Two different programs can be run to fill vacant scheduled posts.

The Fill Vacant Time Slots ([UTAUTOFILL]) screen will try to fill all vacancies for the given period. The UTBPR Bid Run Process will try to fill all vacancies for a given period based on the Selected Shift Bids filled out in [ITWO]. If the Selected Shift Bids are not used then UTBPR does not need to be run.
!!Report Parameters & Filters

||Report Parameters||
|From| Mandatory, Date, LOV Available. This is the first date from which the report is to process information.
|To |Mandatory, Date, LOV Available. This is the last date from which the report is to process information.
|Exception Level| Mandatory, LOV available, <Exception Only>. This field indicates the exception level (report messages) required.
|User Comment| Optional, Text.Manually entered text that will be printed in the report header.

||Report Filters||
|Work Division| Mandatory, Match, Multiple Selection, LOV Available, <ALL>. This field limits the report to the work division(s) specified.