!!!Estimate Salary Increases Based on Performance You may estimate salary increases through the Estimate Salary Increases Based on Performance (USPF) screen. The USPF form allows the selection of EE’s (from selected parameter values i.e. Group, Unit, Department, Authorization area, and Location) who become eligible for salary increases based on their performance review and existing salary within its range. Employees who are eligible for selection must not have an employment status of “Terminated”, ”Retired”, ”Lay Off”, “Deceased”, “Resigned” on the “EE as of date” parameter. Employees may be disqualified from the PFP process for 5 reasons: #Assignment records do not show details for the date as indicated in the “EE as of date” parameter. #Salary range records do not show details for the date as indicated in the “EE as of date” parameter. #A review for the EE selected does not have a review with the same review type as indicated in the “Review types to include” parameter. #A review has not been performed since the date indicated in the “Review as of date” parameter. #There are no reviews with the same status as indicated in the “Review Status” parameter. The selected EE’s are batched together by using the “Break by” parameter, giving the associated manager easy viewing of their projected wage totals on the [ISPF] screen. Each EE is processed using the “Overall Rating” of their performance (from [ISRV]) and their existing compa ratio (EE’s Wage/Range Midpoint as seen in [VEEP]). These values are compared to the matrix associated to their salary range, which provides a suggested percentage of increase for their salary. Reviews used in PFP must be of the type provided in the parameter “Include Review Type”, with a review date on or after the parameter “Reviews Effective As Of “ and have the same status as in the “Review Status” parameter. If more than one review qualifies under these conditions, the most recent review is used for PFP. !!Pro-ration – (Latest Effective) *For each employee, PA records are examined. *If a wage increase has occurred with PA types provided in the parameter “To include in Proration” or with the type of [USPF], the suggested percentage for PFP is adjusted. The PA with the most recent effective date is used in the adjustment. *If there are no PA’s that qualify for proration, then the adjustment is a factor of the whole months since the last increase to the [USPF] effective date. *A “Service Cut off Date” determines whole months. The cut off date is the 16th of every month. When the effective dates fall on or before the 16th, that month does not get credited. After the 16th the month is credited in the calculation.\\ \\One PFP will be awarded every year, the calculation might be, for example:\\ \\4.5% * 7(months between effective dates)/12(months in a year.) Proration factor giving an adjusted percentage of 2.63%.\\ \\Employees who did not qualify the previous year under PFP will also receive an adjustment. For example:\\ \\4.5% * 15(Months between Hire date and PA effective)/ 12(months in a year.)\\ \\Proration factor giving an adjusted percentage of 5.63%. The new salary is stored as a personnel action with a status “In Progress”. If an employee does not receive a PFP increase, a PA is still produced to note the fact the EE was not over looked in the process. Increases are limited to the “Compa ratio limit” defined in ISMX. If, however, the limit pushes the EE’s wage past the maximum for their range then their PA will also update the toggle “Out of Range” on the assignment record. Wage Rounding – Rounding is done by two methods: *First, if rounding rules are defined on the Group definition, those rules are applied. *Second, if there are no rules defined on the group then all hourly and daily-compensated EE’s are rounded to the nearest cent. All other basis are rounded to the nearest dollar. ||Report Parameters|| |__EE’s Hired As Of__|__Mandatory, Date, LOV available__\\All employees must be have an Original Hire Date on their employment record as of this date in order to qualify for PFP regardless if they have a review completed. |__USPF PA’s Effective__|__Mandatory, Date, LOV available__\\This field supplies the date in which all PA’s generated will be effective. |__Include Review type__|__Mandatory, LOV available__\\This field supplies the Review type (one allowed) that will be considered for PFP. |__Reviews Effective As of__|__ Mandatory, Date, LOV available__\\This field ensures that reviews must have occurred since this date. |__PA’s To Include in Proration__|__Optional, LOV available__\\This field supplies PA’s that would qualify for the selected proration process. (Proration Type parameter.) |__Review Status__|__Mandatory, LOV available__\\This field ensures that reviews have the same status (one allowed). Suggested status is “Approved” |__Bring EE to Min.__|__Optional, ON/OFF Toggle__\\This field ensures that before an EE is processed for PFP that their wage is at least the minimum for the range they are associated. This can be used if a mass salary range adjustment has been given. The employee will be brought to the minimum wage for the range and then given the PFP increase if set to “Yes”. If “No” the EE will be given the PFP increase on their current salary. |__Proration__|__Optional, LOV available__\\This field allows for selection of logic, which prorates (months since the last increase to the USPF PA effective date) the suggested % increase based on the last time a wage increase was given through PA’s. ’Latest Effective’ is custom and currently the only type supported. If “None” is selected the suggested % is direct from ISMX. |__Exception Level__|__Optional, LOV available, <0-Exceptions Only>__\\This field supplies the level of messaging for the USPF that is required. Currently three levels are supported. |__Exceptions Only__|Shows messages that depict what is currently happening in the processing and all error messages that may occur. |__Legislation__|Includes the above plus critical dates selected and calculations are shown. |__Utility Trace__|Includes all the above plus program select parameters including internal ids at the detailed level. |__User__|__Mandatory, LOV available__\\List created by USPF for used for batching EE are associated to this user. ||Report List Filters|| |__Person Code__|__Optional, LOV available__\\This field limits the report to employees with the “Person Codes” selected. |__Entity__|__Optional, LOV available__\\This field limits the report to employees within the entity(s) selected. |__Unit__|__Optional, LOV available__\\This field limits the report to employees within the unit(s) selected. |__Group__|__Optional, LOV available__\\This field limits the report to employees within the group(s) selected. |__Department__|__Optional, LOV available__\\This field limits the report to employees within the department(s) selected. |__Location__|__Optional, LOV available__\\This field limits the report to employees within the location(s) selected. |__Auth. Area__|__Optional, LOV available__\\This field limits the report to employees within the authorization area(s) selected. |__Org Level__|__Optional, LOV available__\\This field limits the report to employees within the organization level(s) selected. |__Status Type__|__Optional, LOV available__\\This field limits the report to employees within the employee status(es) selected.