This process is part of the NCRA Incentive project.  The process takes approved Compensation rewards into Payroll for payment of Incentive and Merit rewards to individual Employees.

The results are recorded into Sundry [IPSN] and are assigned the Processing Frequency of ‘ONCE ONLY’.  The actual Frequency Code used is taken from the ‘DFLT FREQUENCY’.  This frequency is always coded in IPPF as one that will get picked up ‘Once Only’ on any Pay.

Once the Rewards are recorded in IPSN, the Pay Cycle will look after the integrity of the data from this point forward.  For example, if a Pay the picks up a reward is cancelled, the Reward would be placed back into IPSN.

!!Pay Component Setup
•	One Pay Component should be set up for each of Incentive and Merit being careful to choice the correct ‘PC Usage. 
•	Each Pay Component should be configured to generate a single PC Detail using a Calculation Method of ‘Entered Value’.  
•	The example below is for the Merit Pay Component and the Incentive is set up the same except it must be usage 950-Incentive.

!!USPC – Generate Pay Compensation
This process picks up all approved Compensation Rewards from ISCR.  If not in Trial, they are marked as completed.  Reward Types for Merit and Incentive can be picked up separately or both at the same time.
Each reward selected will become an individual Sundry line in IPSN with Merit and Incentive recorded to separate Pay Components if needed.  They could also use the same Pay Component but would be separate IPSN entries either way.
Standard ‘People Selection’ filters are provided and the Payment Date becomes the Sundry effective date.  The Sundry transactions will be picked up during UPAUDT for the appropriate Pay Period.


||Report Parameters||
| Payment Date| Mandatory, Date LOV Available
| Reward Type   | Mandatory, LOV Available
| Exception Level    | Mandatory, LOV Available\\Defaults to ‘Exceptions Only’, may be changed to allow users to view higher-level exception messages (if problems occur, or to assist in set up and testing).  
| Trial              | Optional, Toggle\\If 'Off' then the update is committed\\If 'On' the update is not committed and UBRETRO may be processed again\\
| User Comment       | Allows users to enter a short comment that will be visible on the report
||Report List Filters||
|Entity|Optional, LOV available\\This reduces the list of people to those employees within entities listed.
|People List|Optional, Multiple selection and LOV available\\This is a list that containing the names of employees to be processed.
|Person|Optional, Multiple selection and LOV available\\This is a comma- delimited list of person codes. This list should not be used if a people list is used.
|Location|Optional, Multiple selection and LOV available\\This reduces the list of people to those employees within locations listed.
|Authorization|Optional, Multiple selection and LOV available\\This reduces the list of people to those employees within authorization areas listed.
|Department|Optional, Multiple selection and LOV available\\This reduces the list of people to those employees within departments listed.
|Org Level Type|Optional, Multiple selection and LOV available\\This reduces the list of people to those employees within the org. level types listed.
|Org Level|Optional, Multiple selection and LOV available\\This reduces the list of people to those employees within org. levels listed.
|Unit|Optional, Multiple selection and LOV available\\This reduces the list of people to those employees within units listed.
|Group|Optional, Multiple selection and LOV available\\This reduces the list of people to those employees within groups listed.
|Payroll|Optional, Multiple selection and LOV available\\This reduces the list of people to those employees within payrolls listed.
|Assignment Type|Optional, Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available\\This field will limit the report to the assignment types selected.
|Employment Status|Optional, Multiple Selection Available, LOV available\\This will limit the report to the employee status levels selected.
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