!!!PERFORM MATRIX MASS WAGE UPDATE If a scale/step has been established with a salary matrix attached the jobs, positions, and assignments using this scale may be updated using the Perform Mass Salary Update (USMCSA) form instead of the USMC form. \\ ||Report Parameters|| |Entity|Mandatory, LOV available\\This field allows the user to identify specific entity to which the mass wage update should be performed. |Group|Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available\\This field allows the user to identify specific groups to which the mass wage update should be performed. |Cell Increase|Mandatory, Text\\The user must specify how much the value in the cell should be increased. |From Date|Mandatory, Date, LOV available\\Users must specify the date that USMCSA must use to choose the jobs, positions, and assignments to be processed and date the changes are to be made effective. |Change Reason|Mandatory, LOV available\\As this is a date effective change on [ISWS] a change reason must be supplied. |Trial|Optional, ON/OF Toggle\\Allows Users to see the results without committing them. |Exception Level|Mandatory, LOV available, <0-Exceptions Only>\\The exception level (report messages) required. ‘0’ will only generate tracing for critical errors. \\ ||Report List Filters|| |__Unit__|__Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available__\\This field allows the user to identify specific units to which the mass wage update should be performed. |__Wage Scale__|__Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available__\\This field allows the user to identify specific wage scales to which the mass wage update should be performed. |__Job__|__Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available__\\This allows the user to identify specific jobs to which the mass wage update should be performed. |__Employment Status__|__Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available__\\This field allows the user to specify that the wage update should be applied to individuals with the employment status(es) specified here.