Translating is most commonly used as a way of renaming prompts, etc. without having to 'extend' a function and form.

!!Column Details
The column must have "Translation Allowed" marked as 'Y' (yes), toggle ON.

This is supplied.

||Alias|| Column

A ll columns that allow translation can have a translation field (form item) added to the screen; the item name will be <<TABLE_ALIAS>>.<<COLUMN_NAME>>_TRANSLATE.

This is supplied.

||Item to be Translated|| Form ||Form Item Added

!!Login Screens
On all login and login-related screens, translatable messages used follow the pattern:\\<context>_LOGIN_<LG>_<xx>

Where <context> is:\\SS – for SS User\\CSS – for SS Candidate\\MOB – for Mobile access

Where <LG> is a language code\\ie: ‘EN’ or ‘FR’

Where <xx> are numbers from 0 to 30+

\\ \\

Below are all login and login-related screens with info (<context> <LG> <xx>) on translatable messages used.
\\ \\
SS User, key access mode:\\[{Image src=[Trans_Login_SSUser_01.png|thumb|right| width='350'}]
\\ \\
SS User, default access mode:\\Trans_Login_SSUser_01.jpg
\\ \\
SS User forgot password, key access mode:\\[Trans_Login_SSUser_03.png]
\\ \\
SS User forgot password, default access mode:\\[Trans_Login_SSUser_04.png]
\\ \\
SS Candidate, key access mode:\\[Trans_Login_CSSUser_01.png]
\\ \\
SS Candidate, default access mode:\\[Trans_Login_CSSUser_02.png]
\\ \\
SS Candidate forgot password, key access mode:\\[Trans_Login_CSSUser_03.png]
\\ \\
SS Candidate forgot password, default access mode:\\[Trans_Login_CSSUser_04.png]
\\ \\
SS New Candidate:\\[Trans_Login_CSSUser_05.png]
\\ \\
Mobile user, key access mode:\\[Trans_Login_MobUser_01.png]
\\ \\
Mobile user, default access mode:\\[Trans_Login_MobUser_02.png]
\\ \\
!!Set Up
![IMLA] - Languages
The language that you are translating into must have the HIGHEST (i.e. 99999) sequence number

Translations may be set for Language, Country or Role or combination thereof

The sequence order determines the order of translation

i.e. For Date of Birth

100 English Date of Birth\\
200 English Canada Birthdate\\
300 English WWW_MANAGER Birth Date\\
400 English Canada WWW_MANAGER Birthdate dd-MMM-YYYY


If a user signs in and has Canada as the Country on their Personal Record ([WEEPP] or [IEPI]) and goes to the Manager Role, they will see Birthdate dd-MMM-YYYY as the prompt

If a user signs in and has USA as the Country on their Personal Record ([WEEPP] or [IEPI]) and goes to the Manager Role, they will see Birth Date as the prompt

If a user signs in and has Canada as the Country on their Personal Record ([WEEPP] or [IEPI]) and goes to the any role other than Manager Role, they will see Birthdate as the prompt

If a user signs in and has USA as the Country on their Personal Record ([WEEPP] or [IEPI]) and goes to the any role other than Manager Role, they will see Date of Birth as the prompt.

!Enter the translation
This can be done on the specific form or en mass, both are listed below
* [IMFD] or [IMTFIP] - Translate Form Item Prompts
* [IMFD] or [IMTFGT] - Translate Form Group Titles
* [IMCD] or [IMTCP] - Translate Column Prompts
* [IMFN] or [IMTFD] - Translate Function Descriptions
* [IMMU] or [IMTML] - Translate Menu Labels and Purposes
* [IMMS] or [IMTMS] - Translate Messages and Help Messages
* [IMLN] or [IMTLV] - Translate Lexicon Value

# In the Role of Web Site Administrator, go to Client Site Information > Column Details ([IMCD])
** Select Table [P2K_AM_COLUMN_DETAILS], Alias MCD
** Verify that the column FIELD_PROMPT has the "Translation Allowed" toggle checked (set to Yes)
#Go to Translations > Languages ([IMLA])
** For Language = French with Country = CAN set the sequence to 9999
# Go to Translations > Column Prompts ([IMCD])
** Seq #90
** Prompt - Language
** Prompt (FRE) - Langue
# [IEPI] or [WEEPP] for test employee ensures that Language is set to 'French' and the Province of Ontario, CAN .
# Log into SS as the EE go to [WEEPP] (Personal Profile) and see the translated prompt.

Data is currently not translatable 

Based on Employee - [IEPI]/[WEEPP] Language and Country

Based on Site - [IMST] Language and Country

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