UserCalc Statuses#

There are several statuses that a UserCalc may be under. Some are user controlled, some are not, as indicated below.

Under Construction#

When a UserCalc is first created, its status is that of ‘Under Construction’ and the owner is the User Id of the user who created it.

As long as it is being worked on, the status should remain ‘Under Construction’ this will ensure that the UserCalc is not published into the software.


Once the user feels the UserCalc is complete, the 'Compile UserCalc SQL' button in the header of the UserCalc needs to be executed.


This will determine if there are any errors in the language being used in the UserCalc. If the UserCalc passes verification the following message will appear:

imuc-compile successful.JPG(info)

If there are problems the user will receive an error message. For example:

imuc-compile error.JPG(info)

In the above example, the line with the problem is highlighted in red (Line 00010).

The portion of the error message users need to concentrate on is the 'PLS-#####'.

In this case, 'PLS-00201 identifier 'CL20' must be declared'. This means that the Command Line 00020 (in the 'If Goto' column for Line 00010) does not exist.

Once the compile is successful and the user may wish to change the status to 'Pre-Compiled'. The user who created the UserCalc still owns it. The UserCalc cannot be published into the software, but this will indicate that the compile has worked successfully.

Being Tested#

If the UserCalc is a copy of a UserCalc already ‘In Production’, the user may wish to test it before permanently publishing it into the software. Using the ‘Publish UserCalc’ button, which is located on the header of the UserCalc form, can do testing.


Although it is not necessary to change the status to 'Being Tested', doing so allows users to keep track of what each UserCalc is used for.

Once the 'Publish UserCalc' button is done, the user should receive the following message:

imuc-compile successful.JPG(info)

Users may then run the program (i.e. UPCALC, ATCALC, etc.) that is currently accessing the ‘In Production’ UserCalc.

The application will check for identically named duplicate UserCalcs that have a status of ‘Being Tested’ and run this version instead of the ‘In Production’ UserCalc.

To Be Published#

When the user is ready to have the UserCalc published into the software, the status must be changed to ‘To Be Published’.

After the status is changed, the following message should appear:

imuc-compile successful.JPG(info)

At this point, a Systems Administrator, or other high-level user must sign-on as the 'P2K' user and publish the UserCalc.

information See the Publishing UserCalcs section.

In Production#

Once the UserCalc has been published, the status will automatically be changed to ‘In Production’.

Notes #

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