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UserCalcs are tools that you may employ to customize calculated amounts in the Payroll, Attendance, Benefits, Forecasting and Costing and Workflow modules.

A UserCalc is a set of user-defined instructions that tells the execution program ([UPCALC], UFCALC, etc.) to perform an action or operation. This is a powerful feature as it enables you to customize other ePersonality applications to a high degree.

A UserCalc can perform different kinds of operations, such as arithmetic calculations, comparisons of different items, date checks and calculations, and issue warning messages. It can be run with specified frequency for a defined group of employees, or used to detect a specific set of conditions.

A UserCalc may be simple (e.g. issue a warning if an employee's total earnings is greater than $1 million), or complex (e.g. detect an employee's anniversary and perform a special vacation accrual).