Within the application, User Fields are used to customize the documents linked to the Benefit forms within Self Service.

Creating the user fields of WEB DOCUMENT for the P2K_BE_PLAN_DEFINITIONS tables will allow you to attach a document or URL to each Benefit Plan in the application to be displayed in the Employee Self Service Current Benefits.

Creating the user field of ELECTION DOCUMENT for the P2K_BE_PLAN_DEFINITIONS tables will allow you to attach a document or URL to each Benefit Plan in the application to be displayed in the Employee Self Service Other Benefits forms in Self Service.

Self Service will be looking in the selfService/HLApplication folder for any documents.

We recommend they be placed in the doc folder within the selfService/HLApplication folder. If not, the folder where the documents are placed must be noted.

Each upgrade of Self Service will override the selfService/HLApplication/doc. You will need to ensure that all of your documents are maintained in a separate folder, for example the selfService/hlSSDocs/doc folder. When an upgrade is done you can copy your documents from selfService/hlSSDocs/doc into the selfService/HLApplication/doc folder.

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