The Track Experience and Step Rates (USEP) form accumulates experience, handles wage stepping logic based on experience, generates personnel actions for master file wage changes, and updates/generates pay lines to reflect wage changes.

This process should be run after all pays have been audited since experience could be affected by sundry transactions that are picked up by [UPAUDT].

In update mode, the USEP process physically updates each employee’s experience records (ISEP) and determines if any wage stepping is needed.  

If wage stepping is required USEP creates a PA and creates/updates pay lines to reflect the wage change.   However, USEP does not update the employee’s assignment wage rate; the [USPPA] process must be run to accomplish this. 

||Report Parameters||
|__Batch Number__|__Optional, Multiple selection and LOV available__\\The limits the experience being processed to the batch numbers specified.
|__Up to Date__|__Mandatory, LOV available__\\You must specify the date that USEP must use to choose the pay lines to be processed.
|__Prime Assignment Only__|__Optional, Yes/No Toggle__\\If toggle is Yes, only the prime assignment will be used, if toggle is No any qualified assignment will be used. 
|__Sort People by__|__Mandatory, LOV available__\\You may determine how the information should be sorted, by person code or last name. The default setting for all reports is to sort by person code.
|__Break Level 1 - 5__|__Optional, LOV available__\\This allows up to 5 levels breaking - entity, department, unit, group, job, position, location, auth area, work rule, or org level.
|__Total at Level 1 - 5__|__Optional, On/Off Toggle__\\If a break level is chosen does the user want there to be totals at this break?
|__User Comment__|__Optional, Text__\\This is a user supplied comment. This comment will appear on all pages of the report. It is helpful during the testing phase to use the User Comment field to indicate the test scenario being run.

||Report List Filters||
|__People List__|__Optional, Multiple selection and LOV available__\\This is a list that containing the names of employees to be processed.
|__Person Code__|__Optional, Multiple selection and LOV available__\\This is a comma- delimited list of person codes. This list should not be used if a people list is used.
|__Entity__|__Optional, LOV available__\\This reduces the list of people to those employees within entities listed.
|__Department__|__Optional, Multiple selection and LOV available__\\This reduces the list of people to those employees within departments listed.
|__Org Level Type__|__Optional, Multiple selection and LOV available__\\This reduces the list of people to those employees within the org. level types listed.
|__Org Level__|__Optional, Multiple selection and LOV available__\\This reduces the list of people to those employees within org. levels listed.
|__Authorization__|__Optional, Multiple selection and LOV available__\\This reduces the list of people to those employees within authorization areas listed.
|__Location__|__Optional, Multiple selection and LOV available__\\This reduces the list of people to those employees within locations listed.
|__Unit__|__Optional, Multiple selection and LOV available__\\This reduces the list of people to those employees within units listed.
|__Group__|__Optional, Multiple selection and LOV available__\\This reduces the list of people to those employees within groups listed.
|__Payroll__|__Optional, Multiple selection and LOV available__\\This reduces the list of people to those employees within payrolls listed.