!!!USE HELP WIKI (System Preference) |__Description__|The preference USE HELP WIKI provides clients with the option of using the new Wiki for Help or the previous Help feature. |__Set at__| * Site ([IMST])\\* Role ([IMRO]) |__Takes effect__| |__Values__| Y = ''Yes'' - Will enable application to access Wiki Help\\N = ''No'' |__Default__|N = ''No'' |__Notes__|When set to "Y"(meaning Yes) Management hierarchies are reported and listed including employees which are managed in entities different than the Manager's employed entity. If set to "N" (meaning No) management hierarchies will only include managed employees which are employed in the same entity as the manager. Turning this on in systems with Multiple Entities can have an effect on Performance. ---- ![Notes|Edit:Internal.USE HELP WIKI(System_Preference)] [{InsertPage page='Internal.USE HELP WIKI(System_Preference)' default='Click to create a new notes page'}]