[{TableOfContents }]

This method allows US Railroad employers to perform the Railroad tax calculation in the Pay Cycle [UPCALC] process.  Employees can transfer to and from Railroad and Regular employment.  The system will take into consideration the contributions of Railroad tax contributions and the Social Security Administration tax contributions.

Users must have a thorough understanding of the Payroll Pay cycle processing and the functions in the menu 'Produce US Legislative reports'.

!!Government Web Sites
!Website - IRS and Railroad Retirement Board


!!Set Up
!IPRLU - Railroad Tax Method
It is recommended to use 'No Self Adjust' Method for Railroad tax calculation.  The reason for this is that an employee can transfer to and from Railroad and Non-Railroad employment when calculating Railroad Tier2 tax. Since FICA calculation does not have Tier2 calculation, the Railroad Tier2 'Self-Adjust' method will adjust the Tier2 tax with all earnings including the earnings for Non-Railroad earnings.

!IPCU - Railroad Tax Pay Component Usages
On the [IPCU] screen, the following PC Usages are supplied for Railroad Tax calculation:

;Railroad TIER1 Social Security Contribution:
|6301|RR Tier1 Social Security EE Deduction
|6302|RR Tier1 Social Security EE Earnings
|6303|RR Tier1 Social Security ER Contribution
|6304|RR Tier1 Social Security ER Earnings
|6305|Pre-RR Tier1 Social Security EE Earnings (PPE)
|6306|Pre-RR Tier1 Social Security ER Earnings (PPE)

;Railroad TIER1 Medicare Contribution:
|6311|RR Tier1 Medicare EE Deduction
|6312|RR Tier1 Medicare EE Earnings
|6313|RR Tier1 Medicare ER Contribution
|6314|RR Tier1 Medicare ER Earnings
|6315|Pre-RR Tier1 Medicare EE Earnings (PPE)
|6316|Pre-RR Tier1 Medicare ER Earnings (PPE)

;Railroad TIER2 Contribution:
|6321|RR Tier2 EE Deduction
|6322|RR Tier2 EE Earnings
|6323|RR Tier2 ER Contribution
|6324|RR Tier2 ER Earnings
|6325|Pre-RR Tier2 EE Earnings (PPE)
|6326|Pre-RR Tier2 ER Earnings (PPE)

;Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act (RUIA):
|6331|RR RUIA EE Deduction
|6332|RR RUIA EE Earnings
|6333|RR RUIA ER Contribution
|6334|RR RUIA ER Earnings
|6335|Pre-RR RUIA EE Earnings (PPE)
|6336|Pre-RR RUIA ER Earnings (PPE)


Railroad Unemployment Repayment Tax - This tax was terminated effective with respect to payments made on or after July 1, 1993. 

%%information The following PC Usages are not used for Symmetry and therefore will not be calculated.\\  \\IPRLU - Railroad Suppl Method' and 'RURT Method' are not needed%%
;Railroad Unemployment Repayment (RURT)
|6341|RR RURT EE Deduction
|6342|RR RURT EE Earnings
|6343|RR RURT ER Contribution
|6344|RR RURT ER Earnings
|6345|Pre-RR RURT EE Earnings (PPE)
|6346|Pre-RR RURT ER Earnings (PPE)

;Railroad Supplemental Annuity:
|6351|RR SUPPL EE Deduction
|6352|RR SUPPL EE Earnings
|6353|RR SUPPL ER Contribution
|6354|RR SUPPL ER Earnings
|6355|Pre-RR SUPPL EE Earnings (PPE)
|6356|Pre-RR SUPPL ER Earnings (PPE)

!IPPC - Railroad Tax Pay Components
On the [IPPC] screen, the Pay Components for Railroad Tax must be set up with all the above PC Usages if applicable:

For PC Usages with Pre- Earnings, the Assoc Element field must be filled out with the Eligible Taxable earnings:
Please refer to [US PC USAGES] for the complete list of US PC usages.

!RPPC - Railroad Tax Pay Components Example
The following report excerpt is an example to show the pay components of all the Railroad PC Usages.  
%%information Note that the Associated PC is not being used.%%


!IPPE - Deduction Element - Add Railroad Deduction PCs

*All the Railroad Tax Deduction pay components must be added to the Deduction Element in order for [UPCALC] to deduct the Railroad tax from employee's gross pay
*On the [IPCU] screen, the  PC Usage field set to  '2 Total Deductions (PPE)' must already define a pay component from [IPPC] that specifies the Deduction element.  The Associated Element field must be set to 'Deduction.
*Using the Associated Element for PC Usage 2 within [IPPC], go into the [IPPE] screen and add the list of Railroad Deduction pay components to be deducted from employee's gross pay.

!IDGV - Define Government Registrations - US Fed Regist #

Within the [IDGV] screen, for each Entity, the Fed Regist Set and Fed Regist Type must be defined with the Fed Regist # prior to defining Groups for Railroad Employment on [IDGR].

!IDGR - Define Groups for Railroad Employment

For groups for Railroad Employment, the Registration tab in IDGR must have the W2 Employment Type field set to 'Railroad' along with the appropriate [IDGV] Government registrations.

!IDGV - Define Government Registrations - US RR Regist #
If the Railroad Registration # needs to be defined or the overridden Railroad Maximums or Experience rate needs to be specified, registration types 'US RR Regist 1' up to 'US RR Regist 9' must be defined on [IDGV].

The last digit of the 'US RR Regist n' is the same digit as the [IDGR] Fed Regist Type 'US Fed Regist n'.  
‘For example, if [IDGR] specifies 'US Fed Regist 2', then [IDGV] should define 'US RR Regist 2' with the same Registration Set to be used for this group.’

The Registration Type is from the lexicon [X_GOVT_REGIST_TYPE].

[X_GOVT_REGIST_TYPE] lexicon values for Railroad Registration are:
|0291|US RR Regist 1
|0292|US RR Regist 2
|0293|US RR Regist 3
|0294|US RR Regist 4
|0295|US RR Regist 5
|0296|US RR Regist 6
|0297|US RR Regist 7
|0298|US RR Regist 8
|0299|US RR Regist 9

!IDGV - Define Government Registrations for Railroad Overrides

After the 'US RR Regist n' is entered on [IDGV], the 'Govt Rate Type' can be entered to specify any overridden values for the Railroad tax calculation.

%%information For example, suppose the RUIA Employer Portion is 2.15% (Experience rate) or 12% up to Wage Base $1280 per month.  The default tax rate of 12% will be used by [UPCALC] at all times.\\  \\If the 2.15% Experience rate is being used, this rate must be set up on the [IDGV] screen to override the default rate.  Please enter the percent 2.15% as a rate of 0.0215.%%

The Govt Rate Type is from the lexicon [X_GOVT_RATE_TYPE].

[X_GOVT_RATE_TYPE] lexicon values for Railroad Tax calculation are:
|022011|US RR Tier1 Soc Max Base Amt
|022012|US RR Tier1 Soc Max Dedn
|022013|US RR Tier1 Soc Rate

|022021|US RR Tier1 Med Max Base Amt
|022022|US RR Tier1 Med Max Dedn
|022023|US RR Tier1 Med Rate

|022031|US RR Tier2 EE Max Base Amt
|022032|US RR Tier2 EE Max Dedn
|022033|US RR Tier2 EE Rate

|022036|US RR Tier2 ER Max Base Amt
|022037|US RR Tier2 ER Max Dedn
|022038|US RR Tier2 ER Rate

|022041|US RR RUIA Max Base Amt
|022042|US RR RUIA Max Dedn
|022043|US RR RUIA Rate

|022051|US RR RURT Max Base Amt
|022052|US RR RURT Max Dedn
|022053|US RR RURT Rate

|022061|US RR SUPPL Max Base Amt
|022062|US RR SUPPL Max Dedn
|022063|US RR SUPPL Rate

!IDPS - Define Positions for Railroad

*After the groups are defined for Railroad Employment, the jobs and/or jositions that use these groups can be defined. 
*These positions/jobs will then be used to set up employee assignments.

!IEAS - Maintain Assignments for Railroad Employees

*When defining the employee's Assignment, a Railroad position may be selected in the Position field.

*After the Position is entered it will retrieve the data for the Group field.

- when the employee is paid by this Assignment, the Group of this Assignment will be used for the Pay Header and therefore the Railroad tax will be calculated according to the W2 Employment Type of the Group.

!IPRLU - US Tax Filing Information

User must set up the Railroad tax methods for each Railroad employee on IPRLU screen.

- the Railroad Taxation Area must be set up for Railroad Employees only

- the FICA Method and Medicare Method are used when the employee is paid by Groups that are not Railroad Employment.

- for Railroad Employees, the user should set up both the FICA/Medicare Method and the Railroad Tax section so that when employee is transferred to and from Railroad and Regular Employment, the corresponding tax will be calculated

- once after the user defines all Groups for the Railroad employment and finishes the set up on IEAS for the employees to be paid with the Railroad Employment Groups, the user can run a fix up script to populate the IPRLU Railroad tax method to the default method of 'Self Adjust', the script is called fix_IPRLU_Railroad_default.sql

- note: fix_IPRLU_Railroad_default.sql only populates the Railroad tax methods, user must first create the IPRLU record\\   \\
The following is a list of the Database columns used for Railroad Tax calculation:

;P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (ppru):
|URR_TIER1_SOC_METHOD|Railroad Tier 1 Social Security Tax Method\\  \\VARCHAR2(2), lookup lexicon [X_URR_TIER1_SOC_METHOD]
|URR_TIER1_MED_METHOD|Railroad Tier 1 Medicare Tax Method\\  \\VARCHAR2(2), lookup lexicon [X_URR_TIER1_MED_METHOD]
|URR_TIER2_RET_METHOD|Railroad Tier 2 Retirement Tax Method\\  \\VARCHAR2(2), lookup lexicon [X_URR_TIER2_RET_METHOD]
|URR_RUIA_METHOD|Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act (RUIA) Tax Method\\  \\VARCHAR2(2), lookup lexicon [X_URR_RUIA_METHOD]
|URR_RURT_METHOD|Railroad Unemployment Insurance Repayment (RURT) Tax Method\\  \\VARCHAR2(2), lookup lexicon [X_URR_RURT_METHOD]
|URR_SUPPL_METHOD|Railroad Supplemental Annuity Tax Method\\  \\VARCHAR2(2), lookup lexicon [X_URR_SUPPL_METHOD]

Same as P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (ppru)\\   \\

The following is a list of Railroad Tax Method lexicons:

|[X_URR_TIER1_SOC_METHOD]\\VARCHAR2(2)|01 - RR SOC Self Adjust\\02 - RR SOC No Self Adjust\\03 - RR SOC Self Adjust at Max\\99 - Do Not Calculate
|[X_URR_TIER1_MED_METHOD]\\VARCHAR2(2)|01 - RR Med Self Adjust\\02 - RR Med No Self Adjust\\03 - RR Med Self Adjust at Max\\99 - Do Not Calculate
|[X_URR_TIER2_RET_METHOD]\\VARCHAR2(2)|01 - RR Tier2 Self Adjust\\02 - RR Tier2 No Self Adjust\\03 - RR Tier2 Self Adjust at Max\\99 - Do Not Calculate
|[X_URR_RUIA_METHOD]\\VARCHAR2(2)|01 - RR RUIA Self Adjust\\02 - RR RUIA No Self Adjust\\03 - RR RUIA Self Adjust at Max\\99 - Do Not Calculate
|[X_URR_RURT_METHOD]\\VARCHAR2(2)|01 - RR RURT Self Adjust\\02 - RR RURT No Self Adjust\\03 - RR RURT Self Adjust at Max\\99 - Do Not Calculate
|[X_URR_SUPPL_METHOD]\\VARCHAR2(2)|01 - RR SUPL Self Adjust\\02 - RR SUPL No Self Adjust\\03 - RR SUPL Self Adjust at Max\\99 - Do Not Calculate

!IPPGU - US Pay Categories
The Railroad tax methods may be overiden by Pay Categories on [IPPGU] screen.

!IPPR - Payroll Information
Because the Railroad Unemployment Insurance (RUIA) is calculated at a Rate up to a Monthly Maximum Earnings, the user must turn ON the MTD Toggle on IPPR screen in order to maintain the MTD values.

!!Railroad Tax Calculation

!IPPH - Pay Header of Railroad Employees

When an employee is paid with the IEAS Assignment for the Group that points to the Railroad W2 Employment Type, this employee's Pay Header is subject to Railroad Tax calculation.

- the Pay Header's Group determines if this pay should calculate the Railroad Tax

- the IPRLU screen defines each Railroad Tax method that is eligible for this employee

- UPCALC retrieves all Taxable Earnings according to IPCU Railroad PC Usages and pass to Vertex to calculate Railroad taxation


!UPCALC - Railroad Taxation
*Railroad Tax Annual maximums and rates are supplied by Vertex.
*There are different Annual Maximum Earnings and Rates for different Railroad tax calculation
*The following is an example of Rates and Maximums for 2008
**Tier1 OASDI Employee Portion is 6.2% up to SSA Wage Base $102,900
**Tier1 OASDI Employer Portion is 6.2% up to SSA Wage Base $102,900
**Tier1 Medicare Employee Portion is 1.45% with no Wage Base limit
**Tier1 Medicare Employer Portion is 1.45% with no Wage Base limit
**Tier2 Employee Portion is 3.9% up to SSA Wage Base $75,900
**Tier2 Employer Portion is 12.1% up to SSA Wage Base $75,900
**RUIA Employer Portion is 2.15% (Experience Rate) or 12% up to Wage Base $1280 per month
*When an employee is paid throughout the year of 2008, the employee will first reach the Tier2 maximum earnings $75,900 and thus Tier2 contribution will stop, then the employee will reach the OASDI maximum of $102,900 while the Medicare portion will continue with no Base limit
*The Railroad Unemployment Insurance (RUIA) has a Monthly Maximum Wage Base of $1280 per month, thus the MTD Earnings and contributions are passed to Vertex to determine if the RUIA Maximums are reached for each month

!RPREGC - Pay Register Example of Railroad Tax

Period: 200802
|PC 6033 RR Tier1 Soc EE|535.61 x 6.2% = 33.21
|PC 6034 RR Tier1 Med EE|535.61 x 1.45% = 7.77
|PC 6035 RR Tier2 EE|535.61 x 3.9% = 20.89
|PC 7035 RR Tier2 ER|535.61 x 12.1% = 64.81
|PC 7036 RR RUIA ER|535.61 x 2.15% = 11.52  (Experience Rate 2.15% instead of default 12%)
!!Employee Transfer - Railroad Employment

!IEAS - Transfer with an Effective Date Change

*An employee can transfer to and from Railroad Employment by just changing the IEAS Assignment Position with an effective date change

*When the Pay Headers are generated from this Assignment, the effective Assignment Group will be used and therefore the Railroad tax will be calculated accordingly

*When calculating the Railroad Tier1 Social Security / Medicare portion and the Regular FICA/MEDI for the different Assignments, the YTD amounts of these contributions are taken into consideration so that the employee will not contribute over the Annual maximums

!IEAS - Transfer with additional Assignments

*An employee may be assigned with an additional Assignment to perform Regular or Railroad type of work throughout the year

*When the employee is paid with either Assignment, the Pay Header's group determines if the Railroad tax should be calculated

*When calculating the Railroad Tier1 Social Security / Medicare portion and the Regular FICA/MEDI for the different Assignments, the YTD amounts of these contributions are taken into consideration so that the employee will not contribute over the Annual maximums

!IEEI - Transfer with different Employments

An employee can be terminated and re-hired in a different Employments.

For Employment with Hire Date of '01-Sep-2000', the IEAS Assignments are defined for this Employment.

When Pay Headers are entered for this Assignment, the Assignment Group is used to determine if the Railroad Tax should be calculated.

*When the employee is paid with either Employments, the Pay Header's group determines if the Railroad tax should be calculated

*When calculating the Railroad Tier1 Social Security / Medicare portion and the Regular FICA/MEDI for the different Assignments, the YTD amounts of these contributions are taken into consideration so that the employee will not contribute over the Annual maximums

For Employment with Hire Date of '01-Jan-2002', the IEAS Assignments are defined for this Employment.

When Pay Headers are entered for this Assignment, the Assignment Group is used to determine if the Railroad Tax should be calculated.

*When the employee is paid with either Employments, the Pay Header'™s group determines if the Railroad tax should be calculated

*When calculating the Railroad Tier1 Social Security / Medicare portion and the Regular FICA/MEDI for the different Assignments, the YTD amounts of these contributions are taken into consideration so that the employee will not contribute over the Annual maximums

!!RPYEU - Year End Reporting Railroad Employees

!IDFDV - Box 14 Railroad Tax Set Up

From W2 Form Instructions:

*Box 14 is used to report RRTA (Railroad Retirement Tax Act) Tier1 and Tier2 employee taxes

*When reporting the Railroad Employees information, Box 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Social Security Information should be zero

*When an employee has contributions to both the Railroad and Regular Employments, then Box 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Social Security Information should be reported, this is the case when employee is transferred to and from Railroad and Regular Employments

User must set up IDFDV Identifiers W2-OTHER-01 to W2-OTHER-nn Box 14 Information for Railroad TIER1 and TIER2 taxes as follows:


From EFW2 File Instructions:

- different Code RE Employer Record must be generated by the W2 Employment Type

- Railroad Employees who have been paid by this Code RE Federal Registration# and W2 Employment Type must be grouped and reported under this RE record

- Social Security and Medicare information should be zero filled for these employees

- Box 14 information are not reported on EFW2 File

!RPYEU - Example of a Regular and Railroad Employee

*Employee 507 has been paid for both Regular and Railroad Employment during the year.

*When RPYEU is run, IPVT Group Code is used to retrieve the W2 Employment Type to be reported

*Employee 507 will be reported under Regular Employment and Railroad Employment.

*When reporting the Regular Employment, the Box 3, 4, 5, 6 Social Security Information will be retrieved from IPVT of the Regular Employment Group which had calculated the Social Security taxes throughout the year

*Box 14 Railroad taxes will not be reported because the Regular Employment Group will not calculate Railroad taxes

*When reporting the Railroad Employment, the Box 3, 4, 5, 6 Social Security Information will not be retrieved from IPVT of the Railroad Employment Group because the Social Security taxes have not been calculated throughout the year

*Box 14 Railroad taxes will be reported because the Railroad Employment Group has been calculated the Railroad taxes

%%information Note that Box 7 SOC SEC TIPS are calculated and set up by users, this report is an example only, user should not calculate this for Railroad employees%%


!RPW2 - Example of a Regular and Railroad Employee

Employee 507 will receive 2 W2 forms.
For Regular Employment:
Box 3, 4, 5, 6 Social Security Information will be printed
Box 14 Railroad information will not be printed


For Railroad Employment:
Box 3, 4, 5, 6 Social Security Information will not be printed
Box 14 Railroad information will be printed



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