
This page describes the UPRLU process.

The function has two purposes:

  1. To convert the Vertex U.S pay rule data to the Symmetry tax parameters
  2. To audit the U.S pay rules to ensure there are no missing tax parameters.

UPRLU – Selection Criteria#

UPRLU – Audit US Tax Filing Information#


Processing Information#

The UPRLU is used to generate the values on the IPRLUS form.

The UPRLU reads IMCT 'UPRLU MAPPING' to generate the Misc. Tax Parameters on IPRLUS with the default set up.

IMCT ‘UPRLU MAPPING’ contains the list of Tax Parameters at the employee level only, therefore if the IPUTP Tax Parameter does not exist on IMCT, this IPUTP tax parameter will not be inserted on IPRLUS, this means the IPUTP tax parameter is for UPCALC internal use only

If the UPRLU is run with 'Exception Level: 0-Exception Level', UPRLU displays the report with Statistics only

  • UPRLU Version: 27-Oct-2019
  • 257 Assignments (Current and Future) Processed
  • 211 Employees Processed
  • Trial Mode, All Updates have been Rolled Back

If the UPRLU is run with 'Exception Level: 1-User Trace', UPRLU displays the report with Tax Parameters

  • UPRLU Version: 27-Oct-2019
  • As of Date: 01-Aug-2019
  • Create File: Y
  • Update_method: (01) Default Method
  • Directory Name: OUTPUT
  • File Name: UPRLU-487634.xls
  • Exception Level: 1
  • Trial: Y
  • Process_misc 0000000973 -- Process Empl (0000000973) Winfield, PAUL for IPRLUS Misc Parameters for State: CT
  • Insert_misc 0000000973 INSERT IPRLUS Federal Tax Parameter: 000005 2020_W4 = FALSE
  • Insert_misc 0000000973 INSERT IPRLUS Federal Tax Parameter: 000006 TOTAL ALLOWANCES = 0
  • Insert_misc 0000000973 INSERT IPRLUS Federal Tax Parameter: 000007 FILINGSTATUS = S
  • Insert_misc 0000000973 INSERT IPRLUS Federal Tax Parameter: 000008 TWO_JOBS = FALSE
  • Insert_misc 0000000973 INSERT IPRLUS Federal Tax Parameter: 000009 DEPENDENTS_AMT = 0
  • Insert_misc 0000000973 INSERT IPRLUS Federal Tax Parameter: 000010 OTHER_INCOME = 0
  • Insert_misc 0000000973 INSERT IPRLUS Federal Tax Parameter: 000011 DEDUCTIONS = 0

During testing of the UPRLU, the user may wish to re-run the UPRLU to re-test.

  • an SQL script is delivered to help the user delete IPRLUS Tax Parameters for SYSDATE so users can re-test.
  • In SQL+, login to the database and execute:

Report Parameters & Filters#

Report Parameters
As of DateMandatory, Date LOV available
This field indicates the date from which information is to be collected. You must provide a date for the system to select which assignment and personal records to review for work and resident state.
Create FileOptional, Yes or No lexicon available
If <Yes> is selected UPRLU will create a flat file showing the original information in the Vertex columns and the new value in the Misc Tax Parameters. If NO, the report will be run without creating an interface file (normally for testing purposes).
Update MethodMandatory, X_UPRLU_METHOD lexicon available
You must select which update option the UPRLU must perform.
Directory NameOptional, allows the user to specify a valid directory known to the database server. This is used when the Create File parameter is set to <Yes>.
File NameOptional, Text
This field displays the file name of the data being uploaded.

The file extension must be .xls, this is the only supported file format for UPRLU.
TrialMandatory, Yes or No lexicon available
You may choose to run the report in a trial mode to see results <Yes> or in update mode <No>.

If this toggle is set to <No>, the miscellaneous tax parameters will be inserted in IPRLU.

If this toggle is set to <Yes>, the report will indicate which records could potentially be updated. If the Create File toggle is also set to <Yes>, the flat file will still be created.
Exception LevelMandatory, Exception Level lexicon available
This field defines the exception level (report messages) required.

Report should be run with Exception Level 0

If issues are encountered re-run UPRLU with Exception Level = 9 for one employee.
User Comments Optional, Text
This field holds the user-supplied comment which will appear in the header of all pages of the report. This is useful during testing phases to identify similar reports from each other.

The report filters may be used to filter the employee records by the selected options, for example only run for Employment Status = Active.

Report Filters
People ListOptional, LOV Available
This will limit the report to the people list selected.
PersonOptional, Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available
This will limit the report to the persons selected.
EntityOptional, Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available
This will limit the report to the entities selected.
LocationOptional, Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available
This will limit the report to the locations selected.
Auth AreaOptional, Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available
This will limit the report to the authorization areas selected.
DepartmentOptional, Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available
This will limit the report to the departments selected.
Org Level TypeOptional, X_ORG_LEVEL_TYPE lexicon available
This will limit the report to the org level type selected.
Org Level CodeOptional, Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available
This will limit the report to the organizational levels selected.
UnitOptional, Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available
This will limit the report to the units selected.
GroupOptional, Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available
This will limit the report to the groups selected.
PayrollOptional, Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available
This will limit the report to the payrolls selected.
JobOptional, Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available
This will limit the report to the jobs selected.
PositionOptional, Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available
This will limit the report to the positions selected.
Employment StatusOptional, Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available
This will limit the report to the employment statuses selected.
Employment TypeOptional, X_EMPLOYMENT_TYPE lexicon available
This will limit the report to the employment types selected.
Assignment TypeOptional, X_ASSIGN_TYPE lexicon available
This will limit the report to the assignment types selected.
Pay TypeOptional, X_PAY_TYPE lexicon available
This will limit the report to the pay types selected.

Notes #

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UPRLU Processing#


The UPRLU is a dual purpose function.

  1. Vertex to Symmetry Conversion

    The initial purpose of the UPRLU function is to populate the state’s Miscellaneous Tax parameters in IPRLU based on the fields used by Vertex. The UPRLU will read the custom table ‘UPRLU Mapping’ in the IMCT screen to determine which field in IPRLU should be used to populate the Miscellaneous Tax parameter.

    For example, the UPRLU will take the value stored in Filing Status (UST_FILING_STATUS column) and will populate the Tax parameter FILINGSTATUS.

    The vertex mapping would only occur when the parameter Vertex Conversion is set to <Yes>.

  2. Audit IPRLU Data

    TBD - UPRLU has not been programmed for this as of yet.

    The intent on this second purpose is to audit the date in IPRLU on a regular basis to ensure that employee records are kept up to date with new tax parameters etc.

IPRLU Tax Filing Conversion#

In order for UPCALC to calculate state tax correctly using the Symmetry Tax Engine (STE), the IPRLU state information (tax parameters) must be set up for each applicable state the employee lives and works in.

The UPRLU will insert and populate the appropriate tax parameters for any state the employee lives and works in. The function will use the data in the original Vertex fields in IPRLU to populate the new tax parameters.

Using the As Of date provided in the report parameters, UPRLU will read IEAS and IEPI effective records where this date falls between the effective start and end dates. Any records whose effective start date is greater than the As Of date used will also be read, this is so that the UPRLU picks up any future changes in work or residence locations.

The Work State is retrieved from IEAS using the Jurisdiction field. If there is no Jurisdiction defined then the UPRLU will look at the Works in Location field in IEAS to retrieve the Jurisdiction defined for the location.

Since Symmetry calculates taxes based on Residence state the UPRLU will create Misc Tax Parameters for the home state if the home state differs from the state defined in the IEAS Jurisdiction field. The home state is retrieved from the employee’s personal information defined in IEPI.

Once UPRLU has determined an employee’s work and resident state, it will then read IMCT ‘UPRLU Mapping’ to retrieve the necessary Misc Tax parameters for the employee’s states. UPRLU will then populate the employee’s IPRLU with the appropriate tax parameters. Using the mapping indicated in IMCT, UPRLU will retrieve the data stored in the fields used by Vertex to populate the values for the tax parameters.

If the employee does not have an IPRLU record and a Default Pay Rule has been defined in the site preference ‘DFLT PAYRULE’, then UPRLU will create a default IPRLU record. The default record will be populated with the Misc Tax parameters from the employee’s prime assignment ‘Jurisdiction Code’.

If the employee does not have an IPRLU record and the ‘DFLT PAYRULE’ site preference has not been defined, the UPRLU will not create a default IPRLU record for the employee.

If there are multiple effective records in IPRLU, the UPRLU will insert the appropriate tax parameters for these records with the information that was effective within those records. If there are effective records in IPRLU that are greater than the date the UPRLU is run, these will also be updated. For example:

In IPRLU an employee has three effective records
01 Jan 0000 – 31 Dec 1999 (no information as EE was hired Jan 1 2000)
01 Jan 2000 – 31 Jan 2010, EE claimed Single, 1 exemption
01 Feb 2010 – 31 Dec 3999, EE claimed Married, two exemptions

The UPRLU is run for 1 Jan 2010 – it will update the employee's 01 Jan 2000 record with the appropriate tax parameters with a Single filing status. The 01 Feb 2010 record will also be updated with the appropriate tax parameters with a Married filing status and two exemptions.

IMCT – Custom Table#

In order for UPRLU to convert the Vertex information to the Symmetry Tax Parameters, mapping had to be laid out for each individual state.

The mapping has been provided in the custom table ‘UPRLU Mapping’ within the IMCT screen.


In IMCT, the Custom Key field holds the state code and the state’s Misc Tax parameter.

Custom Subkey displays the IPRLU field UPRLU will read in order to retrieve the data. This data will be printed in the output file.

The Custom Data holds the necessary coding and mapping for that Custom Key. This field tells UPRLU how to decode the lexicon fields to match the values supported for the tax parameter.

In the above example, the UPRLU will read the UST_FILING_STATUS field in IPRLU to populate the tax parameter ‘FILINGSTATUS’ for California. This decode statement tells UPRLU that the lexicon value of '01' is the equivalent of 'S' for this tax parameter, a value of '02' is equal to 'M' and a value of '03' is equal to 'H'.

IMCT has been defined with Tax Parameters from the Symmetry Tax Engine. It does not include Tax Parameters that have been system created. (i.e. Those that have a Provided By = Internal or Legislative).

If clients need to edit the mapping or add Internal tax parameters we advise you to request Client Services for assistance.

The internally provided Tax Parameters may be manually added to an employee’s IPRLU record, or added to IMCT and the UPRLU run for those few employees.

Symmetry Tax Parameters Not Included in IMCT
There are a number of tax parameters that are provided by Symmetry which were not added to IMCT. The following were not included as it was not able to determine a valid value based on the information currently provided in the IPRLU.

If you have employees who live and/or work in the following states please review these and determine if they are required for your employees. The document PR_US_State_Tax_Calc.doc provides more details on the parameters.

If it is determined these parameters are needed for some employees they may be manually added to the employee’s IPRLU record. Alternatively the parameters may be manually added to the IMCT using valid values as determined by the client, and the UPRLU run for the specific employees these parameters are valid for.





UPRLU - Audit Tax Filing Information#

TBD – the UPRLU has not yet been programmed for this purpose.

Output File#

The UPRLU function provides the option of creating an output file. This output file displays what IPRLU records the UPRLU has updated. The file also shows what the values were in the Vertex fields as well as the new values inserted in the Tax Parameters.

Notes #

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