!!Processing Information
The Update Candidate Applications (URCA) screen allows you to automatically move all applications from the selected Application stage to a new Application Stage and Status.
!!Report Parameters & Filters

||Report Parameters||
|From Applic. Stage|Optional, LOV available\\This field limits the report to candidates starting as specified applicant stage
|To Applic. Stage|Optional, LOV available\\This field limits the report to candidates up to a specified applicant stage
|From Applic. Status|Optional, LOV available\\This field limits the report to candidates starting as specified applicant status
|To Applic. Status|Optional, LOV available\\This field limits the report to candidates up to a specified applicant status
|Create File|Optional, LOV available, <Yes/No>
|Directory Path|Optional, Text
|File Name|Optional, Text
|Field Separator|Optional, Text
|Trial|Mandatory, LOV available, <Yes/No>\\You may choose to run the report in a trial mode to see results
|Exception Level|Optional, LOV available\\You may select the level of logging desired: ‘Exceptions Only’, ‘User Trace’, ‘Legislation’, \\‘UserCalc Trace’,‘Program Trace’ or Utility Trace

||Report Filters||
|Candidate|Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available\\This field allows you to limit the update to applications to the candidates specified
|Posting|Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available\\This field allows you to limit the update to applications to the postings specified
|Application|Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available\\This field allows you to limit the update to the applications specified

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