If an entire vendor run needs to be backed out, then it must first be undone to be able to rerun UPVEND. The vendor run may be undone through the Undo Upvend (UPUNVEND) form.

Everything updated by the original execution of UPVEND will be backed out with the exception of check numbers. Any check number used up in the ‘Check Form Range’ will not be released. This is a security check, since the original UPVEND could be using numbers already in the past.

UPUNVEND is processed if UPVEND needs to be reversed.

For more information on the Accounts Payable process see the page Accounts Payable - UPVEND.

Report Parameters
UPVEND ExecutionMandatory, LOV Available
Exception LevelMandatory, LOV Available
‘Exceptions Only’, ‘User Trace’, ‘Legislation’, ‘UserCalc Trace’, ‘Program Trace’ or
‘Utility Trace’