!!Processing Information
After a pay is audited by [UPAUDT], the pay will have been prepared with all the Pay Point Task processing, Sundry lines, etc.

If you are changing the Pay Point Task Table, changing Sundry items or adding a new UserCalc etc., the pays will need to be prepared again. To do this, you will need to unprepare the pay with UPUNPREP for the batch at the batch or person level, then run [UPAUDT] again. (UPUNPREP moves pays from the stage ‘Audited’ back to the stage ‘To Be Audited’.) 

Pays that have been journalized through [UPLG], must first be run through [UPLGUNDO] before being run through UPUNPREP.

To run UPUNPREP, pays may not be at the ‘Calculated/Paid’ stage. If a pay(s) need to be unprepared and have been calculated then the payrun must be undone first using the [UPUNDO] process.

!!Report Parameters & Filters

||Report Parameters||
|Entity|Mandatory, LOV available
|Payroll|Mandatory, LOV available
|Batch Eligible|Mandatory, LOV available\\Not Eligible or Eligible or Both
|Exception Level|Mandatory, LOV available\\‘0 – 9’ available
|Print Execution Run Log|Optional Toggle, ON or OFF
|Trial|Optional Toggle, ON or OFF

||Report Filters||
|Person Code|Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available
|Batch Number|Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available
|Pay Period|Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available

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