Create TMRS Interface File - UPTMRS2 Update#

These are the report parameters for the monthly required report.

Report Parameters & Filters#

Report Parameters
EntityMandatory, LOV available
This field limits the process to the entity specified.
PayrollMandatory, LOV available
This field limits the process to the payroll specified.
Pay PeriodMandatory, LOV available
This field limits the process to the pay period specified.
From/To DateMandatory, Date, LOV Available
Only information that falls within these dates will be processed.
Ready for PR Only
Add Open Time Sheets
Exception LevelOptional, Exception Level lexicon available
A ‘trace’ report of exception messages may be produced to assist in the testing phase. This field defines the exception level (report messages) required.
TrialOptional, Yes or No lexicon available//You may choose to run the report in a trial mode to see results <Yes> or in update mode <No>.

Report Filters
People ListOptional, LOV Available
This field is used to limit the report to the people lists indicated.
PersonOptional, LOV Available
This field is used to limit the report to the persons indicated.

Notes #

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