!!Processing Information

The Generate Pay Transactions (UPTG) form is used to create pay transactions for a selected number of employees based on their work rule definition. 

Generation of batches of Pay Transactions is done for:
* a specified payroll;
* a set of employees within the payroll that match the report parameters;
* a specified pay period or a date range within the specified pay period; or
* a specified pay category.

For more information on how to run the UPTG please see the page [GENERATE PAY TRANSACTIONS].

!!Report Parameters & Filters

||Report Parameters||
|Entity|Mandatory, LOV Available. Limits the process to the entity specified.
|Payroll|Mandatory, LOV Available. Only one payroll may be selected per execution of this function.
|Pay Period|Mandatory, LOV Available. Defaults to period that contains the ‘As Of ‘date.
|Pay Category|Mandatory, LOV Available. Users must indicate the category that the batches and pay headers are to be processed under.
|From Date|Mandatory, Date, LOV Available. Defaults from the pay period chosen but may be changed.
|To Date|Mandatory, Date, LOV Available. Defaults from the pay period chosen but may be changed.
|Batch Type|Mandatory, LOV Available. Batch and their pay headers may be created with hours and salary, hours only or salary only. 
|Batch By|Mandatory, LOV Available, Defaults as <Payroll>. Users may batch by authorization area, department, department batch code, location, manager or payroll.
|Source Payroll|Optional, LOV Available
|Destination Payroll|Optional, LOV Available
|Rate Meth. For Salary|Optional, LOV Available
|(IDWR) TS/TM|Optional, Toggle. If this toggle is set to 'YES' then the Employee selection completely disregards the 'Obtain Details From' on the Status Rules tab in [IDWR].//  //This is used when hours must be generated into [IPTR] and the Work Rule is also used for Time Entry allowing regular hours from UPTG and Exception in Time Scheduling. 
|Assignment Selection|Mandatory, LOV Available
|Prime Assign. Only|Optional, Toggle. If Toggle is ON, only the prime assignment will be used, if toggle is OFF any qualified assignment will be used.
|Split by Fiscal Periods|Optional.  If the value selected is YES (or left blank), the time will be spit by fiscal periods if required, if NO, then no fiscal period splits will be applied.
|Ignore Leave Lines|Optional, Toggle. If OFF, the transactions will be inserted for employees on leave ([IAAL]).
|Create as Approved|Optional, Toggle. Should the transaction batches be created as pre-approved? The ‘approved’ flag may be used to indicate that the batch has been finished, audited, and/or approved by a supervisor. Sites that do not wish to use this functionality may create pre-approved batches. The batch must be both eligible and approved to be picked up by the Update Pay Transactions program ([UPTR]).
|Rerun Selected EEs|Optional, LOV Available
|Trial|Optional, Toggle. If ‘ON’ then the update is not committed and UPTG may be run again. If ‘OFF’ then the update is committed.
|Exception Level|Mandatory, LOV Available. Users may increase the level of logging done from exception to user, legislation, usercalc, program or utility levels.

||Report Filters||
|People List|Optional, Multiple, and LOV Available. A people list may be used to indicate specific employee transaction to be processed.
|Person|Optional, Multiple, and LOV Available. The person code(s) of specific employee(s) to be processed.
|Location|Optional, Multiple, and LOV Available. The report may be limited to the locations specified in this field.
|Authorization|Optional, Multiple, and LOV Available. The report may be limited to the authorization level specified in this field.
|Department|Optional, Multiple, and LOV Available. The report may be limited to the departments specified in this field.
|Org Level Type|Optional, 
|Org Level|Optional, Multiple, and LOV Available. The report may be limited to the organization level specified in this field. 
|Unit|Optional, Multiple, and LOV Available. The report may be limited to the units specified in this field.
|Group| Optional, Multiple, and LOV Available. The report may be limited to the groups specified in this field.
|Employment Status|Optional, Multiple, and LOV Available. May limit the processing of employees to their employment status.
|Employment Type|Optional,Multiple, LOV Available. May limit the processing of employees to specific employment types
|Assignment Type|Optional,Multiple, LOV Available. May limit the processing of employees to specific assignment types
|Pay Type|Optional, LOV Available. May limit processing of employees to the type of pay indicate on their group.

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