!!Processing Information
If your company has contracted us to printed your employee's deposit notices then the Print Deposit Slips (UPSTUBD) form will be used to produce the deposits. We provide a sample deposit notice that can be run until the custom programming is completed.

For more information on the layout of the UPSTUBD see [FEATURES OF HIGH LINE'S CHECK DEPOSIT PROGRAM].

You may reprint single or multiple deposits specifying the Deposit Number(s) by indicating the Starting Number and the Ending Number.

!!Report Parameters & Filters

||Report Parameters||
|Payroll Bank Account|Mandatory, LOV Available\\The bank account from where the deposits are drawn.
|Is this a reprint?| Optional, Toggle\\If ON, then deposits have already been printed (toggle on [IPDS]) and need to be reprinted\\(the starting and ending deposit numbers must be indicated).\\If OFF, then this is the first time the deposit(s) have been printed.
|Start at Slip #|Optional, Text\\First deposit to be re-printed
|End at Slip #|Optional, Text\\Last deposit to be re-printed
|Print Zero Deposits|Optional, Toggle\\If zero deposits were disbursed are they to be printed?
|Exception Level|Mandatory, LOV Available\\Users may increase the level of logging done from exception to user, legislation,\\usercalc, program or utility levels.
|Print Execution Run Log|Optional, Toggle
|Trial|Optional, Toggle\\If ON then deposits will be run in trial and can be rerun, if OFF, then reprint must be\\used to reprint the deposits.

||Report Filters||
|Entity|Optional, LOV Available\\Limits the process to the entities specified.
|Payroll|Optional, LOV Available\\Only one payroll may be selected per execution of this function.
|Pay Run|Optional, LOV Available\\Limits the process to the pay runs selected.
|People List Code|Optional, Multiple, and LOV Available\\A people list may be used to indicate specific employee transaction to be\\processed.
|Person Code|Optional, Multiple, and LOV Available\\The person code(s) of specific employee(s) to be processed.
|Department|Optional, Multiple, and LOV Available\\Print deposits for only the employees in the department(s) specified
|Unit|Optional, Multiple, and LOV Available\\Print deposits for only the employees in the unit(s) specified
|Group|Optional, Multiple, and LOV Available\\Print deposits for only the employees in the group(s) specified
|Authorization|Optional, Multiple, and LOV Available\\Print deposits for only the employees in the authorization area(s) specified
|Location|Optional, Multiple, and LOV Available\\Print deposits for only the employees in the location(s) specified
|Org Level Type|Optional, LOV Available\\Print deposits for only the employees in the organization level type(s) specified
|Org Level|Optional, Multiple, and LOV Available\\Print deposits for only the employees in the organization level(s) within the\\organization type(s) specified
|Status|Optional, Multiple, and LOV Available\\Print deposits for only the employees with the employment status indicated.

[{If var='loginstatus' contains 'authenticated'

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