If your company has contracted High Line to printed your employee's deposit notices then the Print Deposit Slips (UPSTUBD) form will be used to produce the deposits. High Line provides a sample deposit notice that can be run until the custom programming is completed.

For more information on the layout of the UPSTUBD see [FEATURES OF HIGH LINE'S CHECK DEPOSIT PROGRAM].

You may reprint single or multiple deposits specifying the Deposit Number(s) by indicating the Starting Number and the Ending Number.

||Report Parameters||
|__Payroll Bank Account__|__Mandatory, LOV Available__\\The bank account from where the deposits are drawn.
|__Is this a reprint?__|__ Optional, Toggle__\\If ON, then deposits have already been printed (toggle on IPDS) and need to be reprinted\\(the starting and ending deposit numbers must be indicated).\\If OFF, then this is the first time the deposit(s) have been printed.
|__Start at Slip #__|__Optional, Text__\\First deposit to be re-printed
|__End at Slip #__|__Optional, Text__\\Last deposit to be re-printed
|__Print Zero Deposits__|__Optional, Toggle__\\If zero deposits were disbursed are they to be printed?
|__Exception Level__|__Mandatory, LOV Available__\\Users may increase the level of logging done from exception to user, legislation,\\usercalc, program or utility levels.
|__Print Execution Run Log__|__Optional, Toggle__
|__Trial__|__Optional, Toggle__\\If ON then deposits will be run in trial and can be rerun, if OFF, then reprint must be\\used to reprint the deposits.

||Report Filters||
|__Entity__|__Optional, LOV Available__\\Limits the process to the entities specified.
|__Payroll__|__Optional, LOV Available__\\Only one payroll may be selected per execution of this function.
|__Pay Run__|__Optional, LOV Available__\\Limits the process to the pay runs selected.
|__People List Code__|__Optional, Multiple, and LOV Available__\\A people list may be used to indicate specific employee transaction to be\\processed.
|__Person Code__|__Optional, Multiple, and LOV Available__\\The person code(s) of specific employee(s) to be processed.
|__Department__|__Optional, Multiple, and LOV Available__\\Print deposits for only the employees in the department(s) specified
|__Unit__|__Optional, Multiple, and LOV Available__\\Print deposits for only the employees in the unit(s) specified
|__Group__|__Optional, Multiple, and LOV Available__\\Print deposits for only the employees in the group(s) specified
|__Authorization__|__Optional, Multiple, and LOV Available__\\Print deposits for only the employees in the authorization area(s) specified
|__Location__|__Optional, Multiple, and LOV Available__\\Print deposits for only the employees in the location(s) specified
|__Org Level Type__|__Optional, LOV Available__\\Print deposits for only the employees in the organization level type(s) specified
|__Org Level__|__Optional, Multiple, and LOV Available__\\Print deposits for only the employees in the organization level(s) within the\\organization type(s) specified
|__Status__|__Optional, Multiple, and LOV Available__\\Print deposits for only the employees with the employment status indicated.