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For Canadian users, the capability to send an interface file to the Human Resources And Social Development Canada (HRSDC) web site to print the Record of Employment on the web (ROE WEB) is provided.

In prior years, HRSDC allows employers to download the ROELaser.exe program to print ROE from an interface file with ROELaser format. This ROELaser facility is not available on the web to employers for download any more. The ROELaser facility may be obsolete in the future by the government. HRSDC.has developed the ROE Web application for employers to print ROE on the web.

If you have downloaded the previous ROELaser before, you can continue to use the ROELaser.exe program to print ROE by running the UPROE function until ROELaser is obsolete by the government. For employers who do not have the ROELaser program or who wish to migrate to ROE Web, please run the UPROEF function and refer to this document for detail ROE Web processing.

ROE Web Sites#

You must refer to the following HRSDC web sites for government information and publication.

Human Resources And Social Development Canada (HRSDC) general web site: http://www.hrsdc.gc.ca/en/home.shtml

Click on 'Business', then click on 'Employment Insurance Information for Employers'.

Employment Insurance Information for Employers web site: http://www.hrsdc.gc.ca/en/gateways/business/cluster/category/eiie.shtml

Click on 'Record of Employment on the Web (ROE Web)' to: http://www.hrsdc.gc.ca/asp/gateway.asp?hr=/en/ei/employers/roe_web.shtml&hs=rxr

All users must follow the procedures in section 'What you have to do to register' to obtain an Activation Code from HRSDC and then follow the steps to obtain an ePass Canada to sign in on the web with the government.

Click on 'User requirements for ROE Web' to: http://www.hrsdc.gc.ca/en/ei/employers/roeweb_ur53.shtml

Then click 'Appendix B Bulk Transfer - Flat File Layout and Edit Rules' to: http://www.hrsdc.gc.ca/en/ei/employers/roeweb_ur53b_flatfile.shtml

ROE Web Training Environment Web Site: http://www.hrdc-drhc.gc.ca/roeweb/training

If you are using the ROE Web with 27 weeks printing from this ROE Web Training environment, please refer to a prior document PR_CAN_ROE_Web_Process.doc.

This current document PR_CAN_ROE_Web_Process_2007.doc is updated with the ROE Web 53 weeks printing information.

Required Set Up#

Step 1 - Define User Fields For IEEI Employment Screen in IMUF#

These user fields are used for IEEI Employment screen. If user fields do not exist on IMUF screen, UPROEF program will generate the user fields automatically.

If you are a first time user for UPROEF (ROE Web), please run UPROEF in Trial mode for any one employee. UPROEF will generate all user-defined fields needed for ROE.

Step 2 - Define User Fields For Pay Calendars - Pay Period Type in IMUF#

This user field is used for the Pay Calendars (IPCL) screen. If the user field does not exist on IMUF screen, UPROEF program will generate the user field automatically.

Step3 - Define User Fields for ROE in IEEI#

All user fields on IEEI screen are optional, you do not need to set up prior to running UPROEF.

If you enter Box 17 or any overridden information for an employee on IEEI user fields, then if subsequent ROE is needed, you must re-set the IEEI user fields, otherwise the user fields information will be re-used for the next ROE.

Step 4 - Request For ROE in IEEI#

You must manually request the ROE to be issued for an employee on IEEI screen ROE Status field. You should specify '01 - ROE Required/Request' or '03 - Duplicate Requested'. If ROE Status = '00 - Not Required', employees do not need to be terminated in order to print the ROE information on UPROEF report.