!!Load Prior Period Leaves
The Load Prior Period Leaves (UPPAL) form allows you to process pay transactions from leave lines.

%%information UPPAL will either create a batch with the leave lines incorporated OR if the employee already has a transaction for that pay period, will place the leave line information in that transaction batch.%%

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!!Report Parameters & Filters
||Report Parameters||
|Entity|Mandatory, LOV Available. Limits the process to the entity specified.
|Payroll|Mandatory, LOV Available. Only one payroll may be selected per execution of this function.
|Pay Category|Mandatory, LOV Available. Users must indicate the category that the batches and pay headers are to be processed under.
|Process for Past Period|Mandatory\\This field identifies ....
|From Date|Mandatory, Date, LOV Available. Defaults from the pay period chosen but may be changed.
|To Date|Mandatory, Date, LOV Available. Defaults from the pay period chosen but may be changed.
|Batch Type|Mandatory, LOV Available. Batch and their pay headers may be created with hours and salary, hours only or salary only. This setting, if used, overrides the work rule ([IDWR] - Time Codes tab) Time Generation Rule.
|Batch By|Mandatory, LOV Available, Defaults as <Department>. Users may batch by authorization area, department, department batch code, location, or payroll.
|Exception Level|Mandatory, LOV Available. Users may increase the level of logging done from exception to user, legislation, usercalc, program or utility levels.
|Create as Approved|Optional, Toggle. Should the transaction batches be created as pre-approved? The ‘approved’ flag may be used to indicate that the batch has been finished, audited, and/or approved by a supervisor. Sites that do not wish to use this functionality may create pre-approved batches. The batch must be both eligible and approved to be picked up by the Update Pay Transactions program ([UPTR]).
|Create as Eligible|Optional, Toggle. Should the transaction batch be created as eligible? The eligible flag is often used to communicate between payroll clerical staff entering time, and the payroll master. Users indicate that the batch is ‘eligible’ (ready). If users do not wish to use this functionality, they may create the batch as eligible. The batch must be both eligible and approved to be picked up by the Update Pay Transactions program ([UPTR]).
|Trial|Optional, Toggle. If ‘ON’ then the update is not committed and UPTG may be run again. If ‘OFF’ then the update is committed.
|User Comment|Mandatory\\This field identifies ....\\
||Report Filters||
|People List|Optional, Multiple, and LOV Available. A people list may be used to indicate specific employee transaction to be processed.
|Person|Optional, Multiple, and LOV Available. The person code(s) of specific employee(s) to be processed.
|Location|Optional, Multiple, and LOV Available. The report may be limited to the locations specified in this field.
|Department|Optional, Multiple, and LOV Available. The report may be limited to the departments specified in this field.
|Auth Area|Optional, Multiple, and LOV Available. The report may be limited to the authorization area specified in this field.
|Org Level|Optional, Multiple, and LOV Available. The report may be limited to the organization level specified in this field.
|Unit|Optional, Multiple, and LOV Available. The report may be limited to the units specified in this field.
|Group| Optional, Multiple, and LOV Available. The report may be limited to the groups specified in this field.
|Pay Type|Optional, LOV Available. May limit processing of employees to the type of pay indicate on their group.
|Status|Optional, Multiple, and LOV Available. May limit the processing of employees to their employment status.


[{If var='loginstatus' contains 'authenticated'

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