!!!LOAD PRIOR PERIOD LEAVES \\ ---- !!Load Prior Period Leaves The Load Prior Period Leaves (UPPAL) form allows you to .... \\ \\ ---- !!Report Parameters & Filters ||Report Parameters|| |Entity|Mandatory\\This field identifies .... |Payroll|Mandatory\\This field identifies .... |Pay Category|Mandatory\\This field identifies .... |Process for Past Period|Mandatory\\This field identifies .... |From Date|Mandatory\\This field identifies .... |To Date|Mandatory\\This field identifies .... |Batch Type|Mandatory\\This field identifies .... |Batch By|Mandatory\\This field identifies .... |Exception Level|Mandatory\\This field identifies .... |Create as Approval|Mandatory\\This field identifies .... |Create as Eligible|Mandatory\\This field identifies .... |Trial|Mandatory\\This field identifies .... |User Comment|Mandatory\\This field identifies ....\\ \\ ||Report Filters|| |Person List|This field allows you to ...... |Person|This field allows you to ...... |Location|This field allows you to ...... |Department|This field allows you to ...... |Auth Area|This field allows you to ...... |Org Level|This field allows you to ...... |Unit|This field allows you to ...... |Group|This field allows you to ...... |Pay Type|This field allows you to ...... |Status|This field allows you to ...... [{If var='loginstatus' contains 'authenticated' ---- ![Discussion|Edit:Internal.UPPAL] [{InsertPage page='Internal.UPPAL' default='Click to create a new discussion page'}] }]