!!!UNDO TRANSACTION/LABOR GL After Labor GL is run in update mode, you may discover errors due to incorrect GL set up (e.g. incorrect employee's assignment distribution code etc.) To make corrections, you can run UPLGUNDO to remove the Labor GL journalized entries in order to put back the pay headers and pay lines in their original state. You many then make manual corrections to GL set up and re-run [UPLG]. This UPLGUNDO can also remove 'Trial Pay Tran G/L' journal entries for pay transactions and 'Trial Pay Line G/L' journal entries for pay lines so that you may set up the GL again and then re-run the [UPGLPTR] and [UPGLPPL]. ||Report Parameters|| |__GL Company Code__|__Mandatory, LOV Available__ \\You must select one GL Company code to be processed. |__Batch Type__|__ Mandatory, LOV Available__\\You must select one batch type from LOV fixed lexicon '[X_BATCH_TYPE]'.\\- Pay Header\\- Pay Transaction |__Journal Source__|__Optional, LOV Available__\\This field specifies one journal source to be processed.\\Most of the time you will not enter this field unless you want to process one specific\\journal source. Otherwise all journal sources for the qualified batches will be \\processed. |__Person Code__|__Optional, Multiple, and LOV Available__\\You may specify a list of employees for processing. |__From Date__|__Mandatory, Date, LOV Available__\\Only pay transactions or pay lines that fall within the From -To date will be processed. |__To Date__|__Mandatory, Date, LOV Available__\\Only pay transactions or pay lines that fall within the From-To date will be processed. |__From Execution ID__|__Optional, LOV Available__\\You may enter one specific execution of the [UPGLPTR]/[UPGLPPL] run or [UPLG] run \\in order to undo the entire run of this execution ID. |__Exception Level__|__Mandatory, LOV Available__\\You may increase the level of exception for testing purposes only. ||Report Filters|| |__Entity__|__Optional, Multiple, and LOV Available__ \\Limits the process to the entity selected. You should select one entity only. |__Payroll__|__Optional, Multiple, and LOV Available__ \\Limits the process to the payroll selected. You should select one payroll only. |__Batch Number__|__Optional, Multiple, and LOV Available__ \\Batch numbers for the specified entity and payroll are displayed on the LOV list. \\You may select multiple batches to be processed. Batches can be for Pay \\Transaction batches or Pay Header batches.