Processing Information#

Report Parameters & Filters#

Report Parameters
G/L CompanyMandatory, LOV Available
This field allows you to select the G/L company associated with this report.
EntityMandatory, LOV Available
This field allows you to select the entity associated with this report.
Undo OptionMandatory, Undo Option lexicon available
This field allows you to select an G/L Undo option.
From/To PeriodMandatory, Date, LOV Available
Only pay headers that fall within these period dates will be processed.
From/To Fiscal PeriodMandatory, Date, LOV Available
Only pay headers that fall within these fiscal period dates will be processed.
From/To Pay NumberOptional, Text
Only pay headers that fall between these two pay numbers will be included in the report.
Remove Labor G/LOptional, Yes or No lexicon available
If <Yes>, Labor GL journal entries are removed.
If <No>, Labor GL journal entries are not removed.

If Labor GL journal entries exist for a pay header after the UPLG run, the user should not remove these entries for UPGL run.
Retain Original G/LOptional, Yes or No lexicon available
You may need to retain the original GL to reverse out from the General Ledger system when re-sending the re-journalized journal entries

If <No>, original GL journal entries will not be retained, just removed
If <Yes>, original GL journal entries will be retained

If the field is set to <Yes> when a journal entry is removed, the original journal entry will be copied and negated. The journal source is changed as follows
01 – Labor G/L changed to: 71 - Orig Labor G/L
02 – Payroll G/L changed to: 72 - Orig Payroll G/L
03 – Accrual G/L changed to: 73 - Orig Accrual G/L
06 – Accrual Rev G/L changed to: 76 - Orig Accrual Rev G/L

The above original journal entries are for auditing purpose only and will not be re-sent in UPGLF.

The amount will then be negated and will be re-send in UPGLF
01 – Labor G/L changed to: 81 - Negate Labor G/L
02 – Payroll G/L changed to: 82 - Negate Payroll G/L
03 – Accrual G/L changed to: 83 - Negate Accrual G/L
06 – Accrual Rev G/L changed to: 86 - Negate Accrual Rev G/L
Remove Prev RetainOptional, Yes or No lexicon available
If <No>, Prev Retain GL journal entries are not removed.
If <Yes>, Prev Retain GL journal entries are removed

After one UPGLUNDO is run, the original GL entries may be retained in P2K system. At that point UPGL is run again and errors are discovered. Next, the UPGLUNDO will be run gain and at that point you may select to remove the previously retain original GL in subsequent UPGLUNDO run.

Usually you will not remove original retain GL entries because these retain entries may already be recorded in the General Ledger system that need to be reverse out from the negated entries.
TrialOptional, Yes or No lexicon available
You may choose to run the report in a trial mode to see results <Yes> or in update mode <No>.
Exception LevelOptional, Exception Level lexicon available
This field defines the exception level (report messages) required.

Typically ‘Exception only’ should be run, except for debugging

If Level ‘1 - User Trace’, UPGLUNDO displays each Employee header
If Level ‘9 - Utility Trace’, UPGLUNDO displays all trace messages
User Comments Optional, Text
This field holds the user-supplied comment which will appear in the header of all pages of the report. This is useful during testing phases to identify similar reports from each other.

Report Filters
PersonOptional, Multiple selection and LOV available
This field limits the report to the persons specified.
PayrollOptional, Multiple selection and LOV available
This field limits the report to the payrolls specified.
Payroll is required if Pay Run Number is specified
Pay RunOptional, Multiple selection and LOV available
This field limits the report to the pay runs specified.
Undo Execution IDOptional, Multiple selection and LOV available
This field limits the report to the undo execution ID's specified.

UPGLUNDO – Processing#

  • When UPGLUNDO is run, the ‘Undo Option’ indicates how to change the Payrun and Pay Headers Stage, the Pay Headers Journalized and Journalized Fund Toggle will be turn OFF
  • After UPGLUNDO, user may view the Payrun on IPVP screen, the Payrun Stage and Pay Header Stage are updated
  • On IPPH screen Journalized tab, the ‘Original’ and ‘Negated’ journal entries are displayed:
  • After UPGLUNDO, UPGL will re-journalize Payrun and Pay Headers with Stage = ‘85-To be re-journalized’; UPGF (Journalize Fund Actual) will process Payrun and Pay Headers with Journalized Fund Toggle that are set to OFF


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