!!Processing Information
If an interface file to a general ledger system needs to be created, then this function must be run.

Running UPGLF in non-trial mode will commit the journal entries. For Labor G/L, this will mark individual pay lines as ‘Journalized’, for Payroll G/L this will mark the pay header as ‘Journalized’.

When UPGLF is run in ‘Non-Trial’ mode, it will mark all of the pay headers and pay lines that it is picking up as being ‘journalized’.

!!Report Parameters & Filters

||Report Parameters||
|GL Company Code|Mandatory, LOV Available \\GL Company that the pays must be journalized for, as set up in the [IDGC] form.
|From Fiscal Period| Optional, LOV Available\\ This field allows you to specify a beginning Fiscal Period used to qualify the Journal Entries \\(according to the [IDCL] set up).
|Up to Fiscal Period|Optional, LOV Available\\This field allows you to specify an ending Fiscal Period used to qualify the Journal Entries\\ (according to the [IDCL] set up).
|Summarize Option|Optional, LOV Available\\
|Re-Interface Only|Optional, LOV Available \\This toggle indicates if UPGLF should pick up pay runs and pay headers that are \\marked with Pay Run and Pay Header stage as '86 - To-be re-interface' only. All \\other stages will not be processed. This toggle should be used you only want to \\reverse out (i.e. negate) the previously sent journal entries.
|GL Format Code|Optional, LOV Available \\Only those reports of the format “G/L Interface" will display. Choose from the report \\formats created. The format “[HL$GL]" has been provided as a sample, but should \\be copied, and the copy edited, by the client before running this report. The report \\definition selected will determine the format of the output file (if any), as well as the \\columnar content of the report.
|Interface Directory|Optional, Text \\Must be a directory on the [data base server|DATA BASE SERVER] for which the current user (as signed onto the \\client’s network) has write capability. For example the entry ‘C:\TEMP’ accesses the\\‘TEMP’ directory on the server, not the local directory for the computer terminal\\being used.
|GL File Name|Optional, Text\\Enter the name of the file that will be created in the interface directory specified. \\e.g. HLGL_mex.txt, if ‘mex’ is specified, [MEX_ID] will insert text into the file name.
|Write or Append to GL file|Mandatory, LOV Available, Defaults as <Write to File> \\If the file already exists should the current information overwrite it or append to it?
|Cost Format Code|Optional, LOV Available\\Only those reports of the format “Cost Interface" will display. Choose from the\\ report formats created. The format “[HL$COST]" has been provided as a sample, but \\should be copied, and the copy edited, by the client before running this report. The \\report definition selected will determine the format of the output file (if any), as well\\as the columnar content of the report.\\This field is used for the Financial Costing module only.
|Cost File Name|Optional, Text\\Enter the name of the file that will be created in the interface directory specified. \\This field is used for the Financial Costing module.
|Write or Append to Cost|Mandatory, LOV Available, Defaults as <Write to File>\\If the file already exists should the current information overwrite it or append to it?
|External GL Info|
|Trial|Optional, Toggle \\If ‘ON’, the Journal Entries will be created with Journal Source = ‘Trial Payroll G/L’. \\This allows RPGL to print for verification and UPGL may be run again. \\If ‘OFF’, the Journal Entries will be created with Journal Source = ‘Payroll G/L’ and \\it cannot be removed by the system.
|Exception Level|Mandatory, LOV Available \\You may increase the level of exception to utility levels for testing purposes.
|User Comment|Optional, Text\\This field holds the user-supplied comment which will appear in the header of all pages of the report

||Report Filters||
|Person Code|Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available. The person code(s) of specific employee(s) to be processed.
|Entity|Optional, LOV Available \\This report will be limited to the entities identified in this field.
|Payroll|Optional, LOV Available\\This report will be limited to the payrolls identified in this field.
|Pay Run Number|Optional, LOV Available \\This report will be limited to the pay run numbers identified in this field.
|From Execution ID|Optional, LOV Available \\This is the Execution ID from the Labor or Payroll General Ledger Update ([UPLG]\\or [UPGL]).
|Person Code|Optional, LOV Available \\This report will be limited to the person codes identified in this field.
|Journal Source|Optional, LOV Available \\Journal Source indicates where the entries are originating from Labor G/L, Payroll \\G/L, Accrual G/L, Trial Labor G/L, Trial Payroll G/L, or Trial Accrual G/L.
|Journal Type|Optional, LOV Available \\The Journal Type may be Financial or Statistical.

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