!!!JOURNALIZE PAYS (POST-PAYROLL) !!Processing Information Payroll actual costs may be sent to the G/L system after the pay cycle is closed. Payroll G/L process (UPGL) can be run on a per payrun basis or on demand basis, and should usually be run at the end of a month in order to send all journal entries of a fiscal period to the G/L system. *UPGL will generate journal entries by fiscal period according to the pay period of each pay. *During the UPGL run, you can pick up payruns that have not been journalized up to and including to the 'As of' date. *The ‘Post Payroll’ toggle on the [IDGA] form must be turned on for the G/L account in order to be journalised by UPGL. *Journal entries can be sent to the G/L system in summary and/or in details depending on the set up on [IDGA] form for each G/L account for 'Retain Detail' toggle. Then each G/L account on [IDGA] form can optionally turn on the toggle for 'Accrual Required', 'Inter Company Required'.) The UPGL process may be run in ‘Trial’ mode to verify that the payroll is posting correctly and that there are no entries posted to the suspense account. This can be seen by running [RPGL] for the execution id generated. The suspense account may be the result of incorrect set up. The user must correct the error and re-run UPGL until the journal entries are balanced, without a suspense account. The UPGL process may then be run in ‘non-Trial’ mode to permanently create the journal entries. Only pay lines that are NOT marked as ‘Journalized’ (some may have been processed by Labor G/L-UPLG) will be journalized. Those items that have previously been journalized will be collectively indicated in a payroll clearing account. The process for running Payroll G/L is as follows: *[UPCLOZ] ** only pay headers that are closed may be journalized *[UPGL] ** in Trial *[RPGL] ** to view results of UPGL *[UPGLF] **to create the interface file in Trial to test results **in non-Trial to commit journal entries and mark the Pay Header as ‘Journalized’ ---- !!Report Parameters & Filters ||Report Parameters|| |GL Company Code|Mandatory, LOV Available \\General ledger company that the pays must be journalized for. As set up in the \\[IDGC] form. Only one G/L company may be processed at a time. |As Of|Mandatory, Date, LOV Available\\This field displays the date up to which payruns are to be journalized. This date is\\used to derive the fiscal period and then to pick up all pay runs up to and including \\this fiscal period. |Trial|Optional, Toggle \\If ‘ON’, the Journal Entries will be created with Journal Source = ‘Trial Payroll G/L’. \\This allows RPGL to print for verification and UPGL may be run again. \\If ‘OFF’, the Journal Entries will be created with Journal Source = ‘Payroll G/L’ and \\it cannot be removed by the system. |Overriden GL Date|Optional, LOV Available \\This field allows you to specify an overridden GL Date for the UPGL run. This date \\will be used as the GL effective date for all journal entries excluding the rejournalizing \\pays. This should be used if you want to journalize some pays to a \\different fiscal period instead of the Pay Header's original fiscal period. \\E.g. a prior fiscal period is closed and some adjustments need to go into the current \\fiscal period. This date will not be used for re-journalizing entries; the re-journalizing \\GL entries will use the 'Re-journalize Date' prompt. |Re-Journalized Only|Optional, LOV Available\\ This toggle indicates if UPGL should pick up the pay runs and pay headers that are \\marked with Pay Run stage and Pay Header stage as 'To-be rejournalize' only. All \\other stages will not be processed. |Re-Journalized Date|Optional, LOV Available \\This field allows you to specify an overridden GL Date for the re-journalized pay\\headers. In one UPGL run, all pay headers for a qualified pay run will be processed \\to include the pay headers with Pay Header Stage marked, 'To-be re-journalize',\\unless the 'Re-journalize Only' toggle is ON. This date is used for the 'Re-journalize'\\pay headers only, while the other pay headers are using either the 'Overridden GL\\date' or the original Pay Header date to determine the fiscal period to be journalized. |Exception Level| Mandatory, LOV Available\\You may increase the level of exception for testing purposes only. ||Report Filters|| |Trial Person Code|Optional, LOV Available\\You may specify a list of employees for testing in Trial Run mode only. For a nontrial \\run, all the employees for a payrun will be processed, even if you just specify a \\few in this field. |Entity|Optional and LOV Available \\Limits the process to the entity specified. You should select only one entity. |Payroll|Optional and LOV Available\\The payroll code of the pays to be journalized. You should select only one payroll \\code. |Pay Run Number|Optional, Multiple, and LOV Available \\Pay run numbers for the specified entity and payroll are displayed on the LOV list.\\You may select multiple pay run numbers. ---- ![Notes|Edit:Internal.UPGL] [{InsertPage page='Internal.UPGL' default='Click to create a new notes page'}]