Processing Information#

Report Parameters & Filters#

Report Parameters
G/L CompanyMandatory, LOV Available
This field allows you to select the G/L company associated with this report.
As of DateOptional, Date LOV available
This field indicates the date from which information is to be collected.
G/L OptionsMandatory,G/L Options lexicon available
This field allows you to determine which type of G/L entries to include in the report.
Trial RunOptional, Yes or No lexicon available//You may choose to run the report in a trial mode to see results <Yes> or in update mode <No>.
Exception Level Mandatory, LOV available, <Exception Only>. This field indicates the exception level (report messages) required.
User Comments Optional, Text
This field holds the user-supplied comment which will appear in the header of all pages of the report. This is useful during testing phases to identify similar reports from each other.

Report Filters
PersonOptional, Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available
This will limit the report to the persons selected. This list should not be used if a people list is used.
EntityOptional, Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available
This will limit the report to the entities selected.
PayrollOptional, Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available
This will limit the report to the payrolls selected.
Pay RunsOptional, Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available
This will limit the report to the pay runs selected.

Notes #

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