Processing Information#

The (UPEQPTR) file allows you to process equipment journals from pay transactions.

Report Parameters#

Report Parameters
EntityMandatory,LOV available
This field lets you identify the entity associated with the report.
EQ Time CodeOptional,LOV available
This field lets you identify the equipment time code associated with the report.
EQ Request FileOptional, Text
This field allows you to provide an interface file name for the equipment.
EQ Errors FileOptional, Text
This field allows you to provide an interface file name for the equipment errors.
Interface DirectoryMandatory, Text
This field must indicate a directory on the data base server for which the current user (as signed onto the
client’s network) has write capability. For example the entry ‘C:\TEMP’ accesses the
‘TEMP’ directory on the server, not the local directory for the computer terminal
being used.
Trial Interface RunOptional, Yes or No lexicon available//You may choose to run the report in a trial mode to see results <Yes> or in update mode <No>.
Exception LevelMandatory, Exception Level lexicon available
This field defines the exception level (report messages) required.

Report Filters
PayrollOptional, Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available
This will limit the report to the payrolls selected.
Pay CategoryOptional, Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available
This will limit the report to the pay categories selected.
Pay PeriodOptional, Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available
This will limit the report to the pay periods selected.
Batch NumberOptional, Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available
This will limit the report to the batch numbers selected.

Notes #

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