!!Processing Information
If your organization creates direct deposits or Electronic Fund Transfers (EFT), an interface file needs to be created and then sent to the bank. You may generate this file through the Create Payroll Direct Deposit (UPDTB_CPA1464) form.

The UPDTB_CPA1464 will create the bank deposit file according to the layout specified on the [IDIF] form.

|__Interface Type__| __Interface Code__ |__Country__
|Bank Deposit| [HL$ACH]| USA
|Disbursement File|[HL$UPDIF_CDN]| Canada
|TD Fund$Out|[HL$TDBANK_CDN] |Canada
|Royal Bank Deposit| [HL$RYBANK_STD152]| Canada
|Scotia Bank Deposit| [HL$BNS_BANK]| Canada
|CIBC Deposits| [HL$CIBC] |Canada

Pre-notification deposits are processed.

!!Report Parameters

||Report Parameters||
|Payroll Bank Account|Mandatory, LOV Available\\This field allows you to indicate the bank account where the deposit will be made.
|Institution|Mandatory, [Institution|X_CPA1464_BANK] lexicon available\\This field allows you to indicate the financial institution where the deposit will be made.
|Version Number|Optional, Text\\This field allows you to indicate the version number of the deposit.
|EFT Originator ID|Mandatory, Text\\
|File Create Date|Mandatory, Date, LOV Available\\
|Due Date|Mandatory, Date, LOV Available\\
|Institution ID|Mandatory, Text
|Short Name|Mandatory, Text
|From/To Pay Issue Date|Mandatory, Date, LOV Available\\These fields indicate the earliest and latest issue dates of the deposits that will qualify for this EFT.
|Interface Directory|Mandatory, Text\\Must be a directory on the [data base server|DATA BASE SERVER] for which the current user (as signed onto the \\client’s network) has write capability. For example the entry ‘C:\TEMP’ accesses the \\‘TEMP’ directory on the server, not the local directory for the computer terminal\\ being used.
|File Name|Mandatory, Text\\Enter the name of the file that will be created in the interface directory specified.
|Trial Run|Optional, [Yes or No|X_YES_NO] lexicon available//You may choose to run the report in a trial mode to see results <Yes> or in update mode <No>.
|Exception Level|Mandatory, [Exception Level|X_TRACE_LEVEL] lexicon available\\This field defines the exception level (report messages) required.
|User Comments |Optional, Text \\This field holds the user-supplied comment which will appear in the header of all pages of the report.  This is useful during testing phases to identify similar reports from each other.

|Debit Payroll Account|Optional, Toggle\\This parameter is used only for the ACH format and will create conditional debit \\to cover the total of all checks.
|As Of Date|Mandatory, Date, LOV Available\\The date of the EFT.
|From Pay Issue Date|Mandatory, Date, LOV Available\\
|To Pay Issue Date|Mandatory, Date, LOV Available\\The latest issue date of the deposits that will qualify for this EFT.
|Interface Code|Mandatory, LOV Available\\The report definition selected will determine the format of the output file (if any), \\as well as the columnar content of the report.
|Interface Directory
|File Name|
|Write or Append|Mandatory, LOV Available\\Append or overwrite any existing file.
|Custom Header Record|Optional, Text\\This exact text will be written as a separate record at the beginning of the file.
|Custom Trailer Record|Optional, Text\\This exact text will be written as a separate record at the end of the file.
|Output Headers/Trailer|Optional, Toggle\\If this toggle is ON, these records will be marked as ‘/H’ at the beginning and ‘/T’ at \\the end.
|Test Run|Optional, Toggle (Only used for the Royal Bank)\\This is a function for Canadian installations. This field ensures that in the Royal\\Bank format, Record ‘1’, Field ‘6’ will have a value of TEST. This indicates that this\\is a test file and not an actual file that the bank will load. The file will still be created\\normally.
|ACH Blocking|Optional, Toggle\\This is a function for US installations only.\\Some clearing houses require blocking as described in the ‘ACH Rules’. Normally\\these are ones who still use ‘reel to reel’ tape drives.\\ACH records must be written in groups (blocks) of 10 records. After the file control\\record is written onto the file, the remaining unused records of the last physical\\block is completed with all 9's. If the total number records (headers + details +\\control records) is a number evenly divisible by ten then there are no records written\\with 9's.
|Trial|Optional, Toggle\\If ‘ON’ then the update is not committed and UPDTB may be run again.
|Exception Level|Mandatory, LOV Available\\Users may increase the level of logging done from exception to user, legislation,\\usercalc, program or utility levels.

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