!!Processing Information
If your organization creates direct deposits or Electronic Fund Transfers (EFT) in the Canadian Payments Association 1464 byte format, an interface file needs to be created and then sent to the bank. You may generate this file through the Create Payroll Direct Deposit (UPDTB_CPA1464) form.

!!Report Parameters

||Report Parameters||
|Payroll Bank Account|Mandatory, LOV Available\\This field allows you to indicate the bank account where the deposit will be made.
|Institution|Mandatory, [Institution|X_CPA1464_BANK] lexicon available\\This field allows you to indicate the financial institution where the deposit will be made.
|Version Number|Optional, Text\\This field allows you to indicate the version number of the deposit.
|EFT Originator ID|Mandatory, Text\\
|File Create Date|Mandatory, Date, LOV Available\\The date the file was created is indicated in this field.
|Due Date|Mandatory, Date, LOV Available\\The date the file is due is listed in this field.
|Institution ID|Mandatory, Text\\
|Short Name|Mandatory, Text\\
|From/To Pay Issue Date|Mandatory, Date, LOV Available\\These fields indicate the earliest and latest issue dates of the deposits that will qualify for this EFT.
|Interface Directory|Mandatory, Text\\Must be a directory on the [data base server|DATA BASE SERVER] for which the current user (as signed onto the \\client’s network) has write capability. For example the entry ‘C:\TEMP’ accesses the \\‘TEMP’ directory on the server, not the local directory for the computer terminal\\ being used.
|File Name|Mandatory, Text\\Enter the name of the file that will be created in the interface directory specified.\\If you use the tokens ''MEX'' or ''DATE'' or ''TIME'' these will be replaced as noted in [P2K_PU.FILE_NAME].  Also supported is ''FILE'' which will replace the File Creation Number, which is a User Defined Field on the [IPBA] screen.
|Trial Run|Optional, [Yes or No|X_YES_NO] lexicon available//You may choose to run the report in a trial mode to see results <Yes> or in update mode <No>.
|Exception Level|Mandatory, [Exception Level|X_TRACE_LEVEL] lexicon available\\This field defines the exception level (report messages) required.
|User Comments |Optional, Text \\This field holds the user-supplied comment which will appear in the header of all pages of the report.  This is useful during testing phases to identify similar reports from each other.
|(RBC) Proc Centre|Optional, Text\\This field allows for the support of the RBC variation of the CPA1464 format.  It is __only__ needed by clients selecting the RBC Format. The definition of this field is provided in the specification supplied by RBC to the client. 
|Additional File Header|Optional, Text\\This field is an optional extra file header which is a constant value.  It is used __only__ for RBC clients. Once populated, the text in this field will be the first record in the file. 

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