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[{$applicationname}] handles payments to Accounts Payable vendors for selected employee deductions.  This process extracts from closed employee pays and populates the disbursement tables so that individual vendors can be paid.  Vendors reside in a separate ‘Payroll Code’ and can be paid in a separate pay cycle from regular employees.  Vendor payments may also be extracted for payment in some other supporting system.  This capability is of course unique in each situation.  This process describes how vendor payments are placed into the disbursement tables and not how they are actually paid.
\\Note:  All converted pay headers/pay lines should be stamped as posted otherwise the first UPDISBV that is generated will take a considerable amount of time. 

There is a separate section, [Child Support Direct Deposit|UPDISBV#ChildSupportACHDirectDeposit], that outlines the setup needed to use the ACH interface for direct payment to vendors for Child Support Payments.

!!Pay Component Setup Requirements
The Define Pay Component ([IPPC]) screen determines which components are to be picked up by [UPVEND].

On the [Accts/Arrears|IPRLU#AcctArrearsTab] tab, record the default Vendor number in the AP Vendor field.  This vendor could be simply a ‘Dummy’ vendor if the same pay component is used for multiple vendors.  In this situation, the vendor is entered in [IPSN] or in [IPPH] when the transaction is keyed.  

This technique is often used for Child Support payments; otherwise a separate pay component would be required for each child support item.
!!Pay Component Rules Setup Requirements
On the [PC Rules|IPRLU#PCRulesTab] tab, ‘Enter Vendor Code’ must be entered in the Reference field.

!!Accounts Payable Vendors Lexicon
The list of valid vendor numbers is stored in a user-defined lexicon with the lexicon name [X_AP_VENDORS].  These vendor numbers must be the exact vendor number to be passed to the external Accounts Payable system when any interface file is required.\\  \\
In [IMLN], both the ‘Display Value’ and the ‘Meaning’ fields should contain the vendor name.\\  \\
!!Vendor Payment Transactions
Recurring AP transactions can either be entered on the Maintain Sundry Pay/Deductions ([IPSN]) screen, or entered individually as transactions in [IPPH].  The vendor number is supplied on the [Line Info|IPSN#LineInfoTab] tab.
!!Vendor Payrolls
All vendors MUST be in a separate payroll from any other employees.  The payroll can share a check series with the regular payroll or use a separate series.\\   \\
If vendors are paid on difference frequencies, then separate Vendor payrolls can be set up.  In this situation, the vendors must be processed in separate execution of UPDISBV.\\
!!Vendor Units
Within the Define Units [IDUN] screen, vendors must be set up in separate units from regular employees.\\  \For example, create a unit called 'Vendor'.
!!Vendor Groups
Within the Define Groups [IDGR] screen, vendors must be set up in separate groups from regular employees.\\  \For example, create a group called 'Vendor'.
!!Vendor Job Codes
Within the Define Jobs [IDJB] screen, vendors must be set up in separate jobs from regular employees.\\  \For example, create a job called 'Vendor'.
!!Vendor Department Codes 
Within the Define Departments [IDDP] screen, vendors must be set up in separate departments from regular employees.\\  \For example, create a department called 'Vendor'.
!!Vendor Location Codes
Vendors must be set up in separate locations from regular employees.\\  \For example, create a location called 'Vendor'.

!!Vendor Number
When a Pay Component for a Vendor who is paid for employee deductions entered in IPSN, the Actual Vendor Number is entered in the IPSN form and NOT in IPPC.  If the Vendor Number is entered in both places, the vendor will get paid twice. The ONLY time a Vendor should be supplied in IPPC is for Vendors that are paid for deductions calculated in UPCALC. These would typically be for Benefit carriers and tax remittances. UPDISBV will not list these Setup Errors and Terminated so that Vendors are not overpaid. IPPC Setup will need to be corrected before UPDISBV will continue. To clarify, The Vendor can be supplied in IPPC OR in IPSN and NOT both places. 

!!Vendor Employee Records (IEHR)
When UPDISBV is executed, vendors with a person code equal to the letter ‘V’ plus the vendor number are eligible to be processed.  For example, if the vendor number id 200, then UPDISBV looks for an employee with the person code ‘V200’.  If located, then a disbursement is created.
!!UPDISBV – Disburse Vendor Payments
All vendors must be in a separate payroll from regular employees.  Multiple vendor payrolls can be used if vendors are paid on a different cycle.  Vendors can be individually selected for processing or all can be processed in a single execution.

Vendor Pay Period must be selected and all disbursement records and pays created will be in this pay period.
All output from this process enters the vendor pay cycle as fully disbursed and is then ready for checks to be printed through [UPSTUBVC]  and/or deposits to be processed through [UPSTUBD].

!!Report Parameters & Filters

||Report Parameters||
|Vendor Entity|Mandatory\\This field allows you identify the entity for which you wish to disburse a pay.
|Vendor Payroll|Mandatory\\This field allows you identify the payroll for which you wish to disburse a pay.
|Vendor Pay Period|Mandatory\\This field allows you identify the pay period for which you wish to disburse a pay.\\This is used as an 'Up To' pay period and will pick up any prior period pays that have not yet been posted.
|Vendor Pay Category|Mandatory\\This field allows you identify the pay period for which you wish to disburse a pay.
|IPPH Deductions|Optional\\If YES, [IPPH] deductions will be included in the pay disbursement.    
|UPCALC Deductions|Optional\\If YES, [UPCALC] deductions will be included in the pay disbursement.
|Sort Vendors By|Optional\\This field will allow you to determine the order in which the disbursements will be processed.  For instance by destination, last name then first name. This sorting becomes the order that check numbers are assigned.
|Exception Level|Mandatory, Match, Multiple selections, LOV available.\\This field defines the exception level (report messages) required.
|User Comment|Optional\\This field holds the user-supplied comment which will appear in the header of all pages of the report.
!!Undisburse Vendor Payments
In situations where UPDISBV has been executed and must be backed out, the Undisburse Vendor Payments ([UPUNDISB]) screen can be executed to __undo__ the work from a previous execution of UPDISBV.  [UPUNDISB] can also be used to undo executions of regular employee [UPCALC] executions.

One or more pay runs can be handled in one execution of [UPUNDISB].

!!Child Support ACH Direct Deposit
This feature provides for the ability to pay Child Support deductions directly to the vendor (a recipient, for example, the child's mother), through the ACH interface in payroll.  These vendors are set up in the same manner as any other vendor that receives direct payment through payroll.\\   \\
In addition to the payment record, these particular direct deposits will have an ACH ‘Addenda Record’ sent along with the payment record.  This event is triggered by the existence of any of the Child Support user fields listed below.  The [UPDISBV] process therefore will not create this special addenda record unless the information needed is supplied in the [IPSN] form where the recurring deduction is maintained. 

!Child Support User Fields
There are four user fields that can be added to the table [P2K_PR_SUNDRY_LINES]: 
|[CS Med Indicator|CS MED INDICATOR (UDF)]|Optional
|[CS FIPS Code|CS FIPS CODE (UDF)]|Optional

*Remember to refer to lexicon ‘X_YES_NO’ on the medical indicator, so that the value entered in [IPSN] can only be ‘Y’ or ‘N’.  
*If these are set up without any data provided in [IPSN], then the [UPVEND] process will use the correct defaults without any problem.  
*The names of these user fields must be exactly as shown.
!Sundry Entry for ACH Child Support Data
Illustrated below is a sample Child Support payment that can be sent via ACH direct deposit.
!Disbursement Addenda User Fields
UPDISBV will insert the ACH ‘Addenda Information’ as a user field named ‘ACH ADDENDA DATA’ attached to the disbursement.  It can be viewed with the ‘UDF’ button in [IPDS]. This user field does not have to be added manually since UPDISBV will create it automatically the first time it is needed.
When [UPDTB] is executed to create the ACH interface file, an extra addenda record will be written if the above user field contains data. If the user field is empty, then the addenda record will not be created.

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