Processing Information#

For weekly paid employees, Personality provides the ability to generate a ‘Future Pay’ category pay for vacation time entered as a Leave Line (IAAL).

For more information on the required set up to run UPCVAC please see the VACATION PAY page

Report Parameters & Filters#

Report Parameters
EntityMandatory, LOV Available
Pay CalendarOptional, LOV Available
PayrollOptional, LOV Available
Begin at Pay PeriodMandatory, LOV Available
Pay Issue DateMandatory, LOV Available
Pay CategoryMandatory, LOV Available
Batching MethodOptional, LOV Available
Override Batch CodeOptional, Text
Create as EligibleOptional, Toggle
If new batches will be created, choose if the new batches should be flagged as
‘eligible to pay’ or not. UPCALC will ignore batches with this flag ‘off’. This flag may
be manually updated on the IPBE (Administer Batches) form, and is used to ensure
that batches are not prematurely picked up by an UPCALC run.
Exception LevelMandatory, LOV Available
Defaults to ‘Exceptions Only’, may be changed to allow users to view higher-level
exception messages (if problems occur, or to assist in set up and testing).

Report Filters
People List CodeOptional, Multiple Selection, LOV Available
Person CodeOptional, Multiple Selection, LOV Available
DepartmentOptional, Multiple Selection, LOV Available
LocationOptional, Multiple Selection, LOV Available
UnitOptional, Multiple Selection, LOV Available
GroupOptional, Multiple Selection, LOV Available
All of the above fields are used to qualify the employees to be evaluated.
Qualifications work as ‘and’. For example, if both a department and unit are chosen,
only employees whose records match both the department AND the unit will be
chosen. Employees in the department, but not in the unit, will be ignored. Users may
choose by exact matches (i.e. full unit name “FT-Salary”), or by using ‘match’ (i.e.
StatusOptional, Multiple Selection, LOV Available
Time CodeOptional, Multiple Selection, LOV Available
If chosen, users should choose ‘No’ for ‘Update Existing Pays’, below. If used,
batches will be created with the category specified. Pay categories are defined on
the IPPGU (U.S. clients) and/or the IPPGC (Cdn. clients).
TrialOptional, Toggle
If ‘OFF’ then the update is committed.
If ‘ON’ then the update is not committed and the UPTL may be run again.

Notes #

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