||Report Parameters||
|__Entity__|__Mandatory, LOV Available__
|__Pay Calendar__|__Optional, LOV Available__
|__Payroll__|__Optional, LOV Available__
|__Begin at Pay Period__|__Mandatory, LOV Available__
|__Pay Issue Date__|__Mandatory, LOV Available__
|__Pay Category__|__Mandatory, LOV Available__
|__Batching Method__|__Optional, LOV Available__
|__Override Batch Code__|__Optional, Text__
|__Create as Eligible__|__Optional, Toggle__ \\If new batches will be created, choose if the new batches should be flagged as\\‘eligible to pay’ or not. UPCALC will ignore batches with this flag ‘off’. This flag may \\be manually updated on the IPBE (Administer Batches) form, and is used to ensure \\that batches are not prematurely picked up by an UPCALC run.
|__Exception Level__|__Mandatory, LOV Available__ \\Defaults to ‘Exceptions Only’, may be changed to allow users to view higher-level \\exception messages (if problems occur, or to assist in set up and testing).