!!Processing Information

In the Load Time Sheets to Payroll (UPCTS) screen there are two parameters that will determine what stage a time sheet needs to be in order to be picked up.

;'Ready for PR ONLY'
* If YES, then only time sheets that are "50- Ready for PR" will be processed
* If NO, then any time sheet in the "40- Submitted" or "50- Ready for PR" stage will be processed

;'Add Open Time Sheets'
This parameter determines if additional time sheets should be picked up
*If YES, then time sheets that have NOT been submitted ("30- Rules Applied") will be processed
* If NO, then no additional time sheets will be added.

If selections are:
* Ready for PR ONLY: NO
* Add Open Time Sheets: NO
;:Will process 40- Submitted and 50- Ready for PR and leave 30- Rules Applied untouched

If selections are:
* Ready for PR ONLY: YES
* Add Open Time Sheets: NO
;:Will process 50- Ready for PR and leave 30- Rules Applied and 40- Submitted untouched

If selections are:
* Ready for PR ONLY: NO
* Add Open Time Sheets: YES
;:Will process all time sheets; 30- Rules Applied, 40- Submitted and 50- Ready for PR

If selections are:
* Ready for PR ONLY: YES
* Add Open Time Sheets: YES
;: Will process 30- Rules Applied and 50- Ready for PR and leave 40- Submitted untouched

!!Report Parameters & Filters

||Report Parameters||
|Entity| Mandatory, LOV Available\\This field identifies the entity associated with this report.
|Payroll| Mandatory, LOV Available\\This field identifies the payroll associated with this report.
|Pay Period| Mandatory, LOV available\\This field identifies the pay period that the report is being run for.
|From Date| Mandatory, Date, LOV Available\\This is the first day of the pay period and will default from the Pay Period Date.
|To Date| Mandatory, Date, LOV Available\\This is the last date of the pay period and will default from the Pay Period Date.
|Pay Category| Mandatory, LOV available\\Only one `Pay Category' may be selected
|Batch By|Mandatory, [Batch by|X_UPCTS_BATCH_BY] lexicon available\\This will determine how the batches are set, by department, etc.
|Ready for PR Only|Optional, [Yes or No|X_YES_NO] lexicon available\\* If <<YES>> then only time sheets that are "50- Ready for PR" will be processed.\\If <<NO>>, then any time sheet in the "40- Submitted" or "50- Ready for PR" stage will be processed

|Add Open Time Sheets| Optional, LOV Available. See note above on how to set YES / NO toggles.
|Mark Batch as Eligible| Mandatory, LOV Available, <YES>. Should the transaction batch be created as eligible (ready)? The eligible flag is often used to communicate between payroll clerical staff entering time, and the payroll master.
|Exception Level| Mandatory, LOV available, <Exception Only>. This field indicates the exception level (report messages) required.
|Trial| Mandatory, LOV Available, <YES>. If `No' then the update is committed. If `Yes' then the update is not committed and the process may be run again. This field allows users to see the results without committing them.

||Report Filters||
|People List| Optional, Match, Multiple Selection, LOV available, <ALL>. A people list may be used to indicate specific employee transaction to be processed.
|Person| Optional, Match, Multiple Selection, LOV available, <ALL>. This field holds the person code(s) of specific employee(s) to be processed. This list should not be used if a people list is used.
|Department| Optional, Match, Multiple Selection, LOV available, <ALL>. This field limits the process to the specified departments
|Org Level |Optional, Match, Multiple Selection, LOV available, <ALL>. This field limits the process to the specified organizational levels.
|Authorization| Optional, Match, Multiple Selection, LOV available, <ALL>. This reduces the list of people to those employees within Auth Areas listed.
|Location| Optional, Match, Multiple Selection, LOV available, <ALL>. This field limits the process to the specified locations
|Unit| Optional, Match, Multiple Selection, LOV available, <ALL>. This field limits the process to the specified units.
|Group| Optional, Match, Multiple Selection, LOV available, <ALL>. This field limits the process to the specified groups
|Pay Type| Optional, Multiple Selection, LOV available, <ALL>. This field identifies the type(s) of pay being processed.
|Status| Optional, Match, Multiple Selection, LOV available, <ALL>. This field limits the process to the specified employment status.

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