The Change Timesheets Edit Rights (UPCTER) update process is used to apply timesheet edit restrictions by the user role. Once process is run to stamp a user role to the timesheets that are falling into dates specified in the report parameters, users who do not have that role are restricted from updating, submitting or entering leaves to the timesheets. No approval on timesheet or approval on leave record can be done either.
The logic can be reverted by running the same process without selecting the user role.

Report Criteria#

Report Parameters#

Entity Mandatory. This field limits the process to the specified entity.
PayrollMandatory. This filed limits the process to the specified payroll.
Pay Period Mandatory. This field limits the process to the specified pay period. All time sheets to be updated must fall within this pay period.
From DateMandatory. Defaults from the selected pay period.
To DateMandatory. Defaults from the selected pay period.
User RoleThe role to be stamped on the timesheet.
Exception LevelThis represents the level of detail that will be produced when the report is run.

Report Filters#

People ListA people list may be used to indicate specific employees whose time sheets will be processed.
Time Sheet#This field restricts the process to the list of time sheets specified.
Work RuleThis field restricts the process to the list of work rule(s) specified.
Group This field limits the process to the list of groups specified.
Unit This field limits the process to the list of units specified.
Department This field restricts the process to the specified departments.
PersonThis field represents the person code(s) of specific employee(s) to be processed. This should not be used if a people list is used.

Notes #

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