This feature provides the ability to mass generate large numbers of employee pay headers. It generates one payroll at a time and a single pay header per employee for the selected pay period.

UPCPAY will only generate a ‘regular pay’ header for an employee if there is no other pay header identified as ‘regular pay’ for that period. It also will not select an employee if the hire date is greater than the period end date or if the termination date is less than the period begin date.

The pay header generator will automatically create batches and pay headers. The generated batches then become part of the normal pay cycle and may be accessed via the Batch Control ([IPBE]) function. This function does NOT mark generated transaction as ‘Audited’. In the same manner as any other pay header, those generated by this function must be audited ([UPAUDT]) before becoming eligible for calculation by [UPCALC].

Those clients who need to manually enter transactions based on time sheets will use this function. Employees will be processed if they are paid Weekly, Biweekly, Semi-Monthly, or Monthly.

Pay categories are identified as ‘Regular Pay’ through the Regular Pay field on the Pay Category ([IPPGU] or [IPPGC]) form.

The Generate Pay Header of Transactions (UPCPAY) form will create the necessary batches and pay headers.

You may access this feature under the Reports/Updates menu: __Payroll > Generate Pay Headers/Trans__

||Report Parameters||
|__Entity__|__Mandatory, LOV Available__
|__Payroll__|__Mandatory, LOV Available__
|__Pay Period__|__Mandatory, LOV Available__
|__Pay Category__|__Mandatory, LOV Available__
|__ONLY Stat Code__|__Optional, LOV Available__ \\If a Stat Code is specified, UPCPAY will generate Pay Headers for employees \\who have non-zero values in this Stat Code.
|__Prime Assignment Only__|__Optional, LOV Available__
|__Create Batch Code__|__Text, Optional, Manual__
|__Create Batch Type__|__Mandatory, LOV Available__ \\Pay Header \\Pay Transaction - This allows UPCPAY to generate Pay Headers Only or \\Pay Headers with Pay Transaction lines.
|__Batching Method__|__Mandatory, LOV Available__
|__Audit Text__|__Optional, Text, Manual__
|__Create as Eligible__|__Optional Toggle, ON or OFF__
|__Exception Level__|__Mandatory, LOV Available__ \\‘0 – 9’ available

||Report Filters||
|__People List Code__|__Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available__
|__Person Code__|__Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available__
|__Department__|__Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available__
|__Authorization__|__Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available__
|__Location__|__Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available__
|__Unit__|__ Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available__
|__Group__|__Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available__
|__Status__|__ Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available__

||Report Options||
|__Sort Employees By__|__Mandatory, LOV Available__
|__Show Color__|__Optional, LOV Available__