!!!CALCULATE PAYROLL !!Processing Information All batches and transactions that have been audited and prepared up to the pay period indicated will be calculated according to the rules that have been previously established during set up. If transactions pass the audit stage through [UPAUDT] as ‘Audited’, then UPCALC (payroll calculation) may be run. If this process is completed, the Audited, Balanced, and Eligible toggles in [IPBE] will be turned on. In addition, the system marks the pay headers ([IPPH]) in that batch so that the Stage field displays “Audit’ and that both the Audit and Preparation toggles are ON. After UPCALC, the pay stage is now ‘Calculated/Paid’ on the [IPPH] (Pay Header). UPCALC generates a pay run for each run according to [IMCS] Code Sequenicng for [PAY_RUN_NUMBER] for entity. Payrun information can be viewed through the Pay Run Information ([IPVP]) form. Allows a user to generate trial amounts, to confirm that the employee will be paid the correct amount and that the correct deduction amounts are calculated. If performance is an issue with UPCALC, the function may be configured to use multiple processing threads to speed up performance. For more information on this please see the page titled [Multiple Processing Threads|MULTIPLE PROCESSING THREADS]. Other topics pertaining to the UPCALC function are: * [ATTENDANCE IN PAYROLL] * [BENEFITS IN PAYROLL] * [UACALC VS.UPCALC] * [CDN TAXATION] * [U.S. TAXATION] ---- !!Report Parameters & Filters ||Report Parameters|| |Entity|Mandatory, LOV available. Limits the process to the entity specified. |Payroll|Mandatory, LOV available. Only one payroll may be selected per execution of this function. |Pay Period|Mandatory, LOV available |Future Pay Period|Optional, date, LOV available |Override Pay Issue|Optional, date, LOV available. When entered, this date will override the Pay Issue Date that is found on the Pay Calendar table [IPCL] for the Pay Period being processed |Exception Level|Mandatory, LOV available\\‘0 – 9’ available ||Report List Filters|| |People List Code|Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available. A people list may be used to indicate specific employees that are to be processed. |Person Code|Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available. The person code(s) of specific employee(s) to be processed. |Pay Category|Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available. Users can indicate which pay categories are to be processed. These pay categories will be compared to the batches to determine if the batch is to be selected. |Department|Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available. Users can indicate which departments the employees are in are to be processed. |Location|Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available. Users can indicate which locations the employees are in are to be processed. |Unit|Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available. Users can indicate which units the employees are in are to be processed. |Group|Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available. Users can indicate which groups the employees are in are to be processed. |Batch Number|Optional Multiple selections, LOV available. Users can select which batches are to be processed. ---- ![Notes|Edit:Internal.UPCALC] [{InsertPage page='Internal.UPCALC' default='Click to create a new notes page'}]