!!!RE-CALCULATE PAY RUN If a pay run calculation ([UPCALC]) has abnormally terminated without completing (from a power failure or a server error, for example) then it will be necessary to either undo through [UPUNDO] and rerun [UPCALC] or execute UPAGAIN to continue the pay calculation. You may access this feature under the Reports/Updates menu: __Payroll > Re-Calculate Pay Run__ The Application will determine the last employee calculated and continue the process from that point. This process will produce the [UPCALC] report when it has completed. ||Report Parameters|| |__Exception Level__|__Mandatory, LOV available__ \\‘0 – 9’ available ||Report List Filters|| |__Entity__|__Optional, LOV available__ |__Payroll__|__Optional, LOV available__ |__Pay Run Number__|__Optional, LOV available__