Manage Date Effective Gaps#

The UMDA_xxx functions are designed to address any gaps found in date sensitive records. Each date effective table will have an UMDA_xxx function where xxx is the table alias for the table being addressed.

In general, the UMDA_xxx functions will read through each chain of date effective records and will perform these actions:

  1. If the first record found (in date order) is not effective as at the beginning of time (01-JAN-0001) then it will copy that first record, exactly as found, and create a new record effective the beginning of time and expiring the day before the first record found.
    1. UMDA_EAS will create this new record with a employment status of INACTIVE
    2. UMDA_BEN will create this new record with an enrolment status of '00' - Not Enrolled
  2. If there is a gap found between one record's expiry and the next record's effective, the EXPIRY will be extended to be one day prior to the next record's EFFECTIVE date
  3. If it is found that the date sensitive chain does not extend to the end of time (31-DEC-3999), then the last record found will be extended to this date.

The UMDA functions are designed to be executed during the conversion process, but may be used at any point without qualification.

UMDA_BEN should not be run in a production environment. UMDA, especially UMDA_EAS, should not be run when there are open pays (especially UMDA_EAS).

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