ULOC_COUNTY_TAX_METHOD (U.S. County Tax Method) is an optional field used to indicate the override for county withholding tax calculation. The method may be by the normal (tables) method, the percentage method, a flat amount, a combination of these methods or another method.

X_ULOC_COUNTY_TAX_METHOD is a fixed lexicon with the following values:

Displayed Value
01 Normal Method
02 Normal Method + %
03 Normal Method + Amt
04 % on elem UCNTYERN
05 % on elem UCNTYPERC
06 Flat Amount
07 By Supplemental Meth
08 School Tax % Method
09 Norm/0 Tax/Upd Wage
10 PTD Method
11 PTD Method + %
12 PTD Method + Amount
99 Do Not Calculate

For employees with multiple assignments who are paid with multiple time sheets in one pay period.

  • PTD Method
  • PTD Method +%
  • PTD Method + Amount

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