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Apply Wage Stepping for Budget Seats#

If automatic wage stepping is required, the Apply Wage Stepping (UFSTEP) form should be run immediately after the Create Initial Budget UFBDGT form before any assumptions are processed.

The Apply Wage Stepping (UFSTEP) process will NOT work on the “base” scenario.

Wage Step Logic#

Position Approved DateIf supplied and later than the budget start date, otherwise
Position Effective DateIf position is “budgeted” after budget start date, otherwise
Budget Start DateIf position is “budgeted” from the beginning of the Budget

Report Parameters
BudgetMandatory, LOV available
The user-defined name of the budget to be stepped
From Date, Mandatory, LOV available
The start date of the stepping period
ToDate, Mandatory, LOV available
The end date of the stepping period
Exception LevelMandatory, LOV available
Do you need to see ‘trace’ information?
Exceptions Only, User Trace, Legislation, UserCalc Trace, Program Trace or Utility Trace?
Trial Mandatory, LOV available, <NO>
Run in update mode (No) or in Trial (Yes)

Report Filters
Budget AreaMandatory, Multiple selections, LOV available
Name of the budget area(s) to be stepped
ScenarioMandatory, Multiple selections, LOV available
Name of the scenario(s) to be stepped
Budget SeatMandatory, Multiple selections, LOV available, <ALL>
Specific Budgets Seat(s) may be stepped
Limits the budget to the entity indicated
UnitMandatory, Multiple selections, LOV available,<ALL>
Limits stepping to the unit indicated
GroupMandatory, Multiple selections, LOV available, <ALL>
Limits stepping to the Group indicated
DepartmentMandatory, Multiple selections, LOV available, <ALL>
Limits stepping to the Department indicated
Auth AreaMandatory, Multiple selections, LOV available, <ALL>
Limits stepping to the Auth Area indicated
LocationMandatory, Multiple selections, LOV available, <ALL>
Limits stepping to the Location indicated