The Create Inital Budget (UFBDGT) screen uses every relevant piece of existing data. The first scenario created is referred to as the “Base” budget. Each employee’s assignment and/or position being budgeted for, becomes a budget seat. Assignment and position details become ‘Budget Seat Details’; premium and distribution information is attached to the budget seat details.
||Report Parameters||
|__Budget__|__Mandatory, Text__\\This is the user-defines name of the budget being created. 
|__Budget Description__|__Optional, Text__\\This is the user-defined description of the budget being created.
|__Budget Level__|__Mandatory, LOV available__\\This field indicates the level the budget is to be created at.
|__Org Type__|__Optional, LOV available__\\This field limits the budget to the Org Type indicated.
|__Budget Interval__|__Mandatory, LOV available__\\This field indicates the period of time is the budget being created for.
|__Entity__|__Mandatory, LOV available__\\This field limits the budget to the entity indicated.
|__Budget Rule__|__Mandatory, LOV available__\\This field indicates whether positions must be marked as budgeted or not.
|__Position Standing__|__Optional, LOV available__\\This field restricts the budget to the positions with the standing indicated
|__Position Status__|__Optional, LOV available__\\This field restricts the budget to the positions with the status indicated
|__Calendar__|__Mandatory, LOV available__\\This field indicates the business calendar to be used
|__Starting__|__Mandatory, Date__\\This is the starting date of the budget within the calendar indicated.
|__Ending__|__Mandatory, Date__\\This is the ending date of the budget within the calendar indicated.
|__Exception Level__|__Mandatory, LOV available__\\Do you need to see ‘trace’ information?
|__Trial__|__Mandatory, LOV available__\\Run in update mode (No) or in trial (Yes)
||Report Filters||
|__Unit__|__Mandatory, Multiple selection and LOV available__\\This field limits the budget to the unit indicated.
|__Group__|__Mandatory, Multiple selection and LOV available__\\This field limits the budget to the group indicated.
|__Department__|__Mandatory, Multiple selection and LOV available__\\This field limits the budget to the department indicated.
|__Auth Area__|__Mandatory, Multiple selection and LOV available__\\This field limits the budget to the Auth Area indicated.
|__Location__|__Mandatory, Multiple selection and LOV available__\\This field limits the budget to the location indicated.

[{InsertPage page='Internal.UFBDGT' default='You must be logged in to create a notes page.'}]