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!!Required Set Up
The Create New Hire Interface File (UENH) screen allows you to create an interface that contains information on new hires within a specified period of time.

!Step 1 - Define Interface Format in [IDIF]
If your organization needs to produce a flat file with new hire information for internal or external purposes then an interface file is needed from [{$applicationname}] . A flat file may be created in the format required with the information available through the Interface Format form. A 'standard' format is provided that may be used as a guideline.

Note to System Administrator: Ensure that the init***.ora file for your instance has the following line in it:

If not already defined in the Define Interface Formats Definition ([IDIF]) screen, load the standard interface file format using the starter_idif_hl$newhire.sql script. Modify the standard New Hire file to meet the requirements needed using the [IDIF] function. Rename the code from [HL$NEWHIRE] to a user-defined code.

You may create these formats in the system through the Define Interface Formats ([IDIF]) screen.

!Step 2 - Check "Include All in UENH" toggle in [IDLN]

The Create New Hires Interface File (UENH) allow you to create an interface file that contains information on new hires, re-hires and employees who have returned to work from an unpaid leave status within a specified period of time. You can decide to include the employees who are returning to work by turning on the toggle "[Include all in UENH|INCLUDE_ALL_IN_UEHN]". If this toggle is off, only new hires and re-hires will be reported.

The set up is now complete and the UENH may now be run to create a flat file of all of the new hires within the selected organization.

!!Report Parameters

||Report Parameters||
|Date Range From| This will identify the date from which the assignments will be reported
|Date Range To| This field will identify the date from which the assignments will be reported to
|Interface Code |This field displays the interface code to be used for this report.
|Interface Directory| This field shows the complete path and directory where the interface file will be written.
|File Name| This is the file name generated from the interface code.
|Write or Append| Is the system to create a new file or append an existing one?
|Exception Level |Exception only, User Trace, Legislation, UserCalc Trace, Program Trace or Utility Trace
|User Comment| You may add comments that will be printed with the report.
|Include Re-Hired EE |This field provides the option of reporting employee who have returned from an unpaid leave
|Trial| If this is set to ’Yes’, the report will run in trial mode.
|Print Run Logs |If set to ‘Yes’, the execution run logs will be printed as well. If set to ‘No’, they will be excluded from the report.
|Sort People By| This field will indicate how the people information will be sorted. Person Code, Last Name/First Name, Destination/Last/First

||Report Filters||
|People List Code| This field will limit the report to the people lists selected.
|Person| This field will limit the report to the people selected.
|Federal Regist Set| The field will limit the report to the people who belong to the selected Federal Regist Set.
|Federal Registration|The field will limit the report to the people who belong to the selected Federal Regist.
|Entity| This field will limit the report to the entity selected.
|Employment| Type This field will limit the report to the employment types selected.
|Country| This field will limit the report to the countries selected.
|Province| This field will limit the report to the provinces selected.