[{TableOfContents }] !!!CREATE NEW HIRES INTERFACE !!Required Set Up The Create New Hire Interface File (UENH) screen allows you to create an interface that contains information on new hires within a specified period of time. !Step 1 - Define Interface Format in [IDIF] If your organization needs to produce a flat file with new hire information for internal or external purposes then an interface file is needed from [{$applicationname}] . A flat file may be created in the format required with the information available through the Interface Format form. A 'standard' format is provided that may be used as a guideline. Note to System Administrator: Ensure that the init***.ora file for your instance has the following line in it: UTL_FILE_DIR = * If not already defined in the Define Interface Formats Definition ([IDIF]) screen, load the standard interface file format using the starter_idif_hl$newhire.sql script. Modify the standard New Hire file to meet the requirements needed using the [IDIF] function. Rename the code from [HL$NEWHIRE] to a user-defined code. You may create these formats in the system through the Define Interface Formats ([IDIF]) screen. !Step 2 - Check "Include All in UENH" toggle in [IDLN] In [IDLN] there is a toggle called "Include All in UENH". If this is checked then all employees will be reported in that location. This will include employees who have returned from an unpaid leave. The set up is now complete and the UENH may now be run to create a flat file of all of the new hires within the selected organization. ---- !!Report Parameters ||Report Parameters|| |Date Range From| This will identify the date from which the assignments will be reported |Date Range To| This field will identify the date from which the assignments will be reported to |Interface Code |This field displays the interface code to be used for this report. |Interface Directory| This field shows the complete path and directory where the interface file will be written. |File Name| This is the file name generated from the interface code. |Write or Append| Is the system to create a new file or append an existing one? |Exception Level |Exception only, User Trace, Legislation, UserCalc Trace, Program Trace or Utility Trace |User Comment| You may add comments that will be printed with the report. |Include Re-Hired EE |This field provides the option of reporting employee who have returned from an unpaid leave |Trial| If this is set to ’Yes’, the report will run in trial mode. |Print Run Logs |If set to ‘Yes’, the execution run logs will be printed as well. If set to ‘No’, they will be excluded from the report. |Sort People By| This field will indicate how the people information will be sorted. Person Code, Last Name/First Name, Destination/Last/First ||Report Filters|| |People List Code| This field will limit the report to the people lists selected. |Person| This field will limit the report to the people selected. |Federal Regist Set| The field will limit the report to the people who belong to the selected Federal Regist Set. |Federal Registration|The field will limit the report to the people who belong to the selected Federal Regist. |Entity| This field will limit the report to the entity selected. |Employment| Type This field will limit the report to the employment types selected. |Country| This field will limit the report to the countries selected. |Province| This field will limit the report to the provinces selected.