The Generate Timesheets by Split Rules (UEGTSSR) program is used to create multiple timesheets during a Pay Period based on split rules. 

\\The following split options are taken into consideration by UEGTSSR for Timesheets to be split:
* Payroll change [IEAS] (done by [UEGTS] as well)
* Timesheet type change [IDWR]-Status Rules tab- Obtain Details From 
* [IDWR] Status Rules tab - Split Options: Department&Employment, Department, Employment Status
* UEGTSSR Report Parameter 'Fiscal Split' (done by [UEGTS] as well)
%%warning Important: 'PP or WK Start' & 'PP or WK End' should be accurate otherwise we may end up with unexpected results.
\\We do not recommend splitting the work rule in a middle of the Pay Period. %%

Not all UEGTS functionality is carried over to UEGTSSR.
For example, the new logic will not cancel the existing Timesheet on the fly while generating a new one by split rules.  Delete should be done by [UPCDTS].

There are certain situations when [UEGTSSR] logic will trigger an employee bypass:
* An employee has a timesheet by Employment and the request is by Assignment (or vice versa)
* There is more than one open timesheet in projected timesheet time frame

!!Report Parameters and Filters

||Report Parameters||
|PP or WK Start|Mandatory, Date, LOV available\\ This is the first date of Pay Period or Week which the report is generating time for. %%warning It must be the exact PP or Week (for weekly timesheet) start date%% 
|PP or WK End|Mandatory, Date, LOV available\\ This is the last date of Pay Period or Week which the report is generating time for. %%warning It must be the exact PP or Week (for weekly timesheet) end date%%
|By Assignment |Optional, Yes or No\\Users can specify if they want to generate separate timesheets for each of the employee's assignments.
|Weekly (BW)| Optional, Yes or No\\If Yes is selected, a timesheet will be generated for the week selected in the PP or WK Start/End parameters. If No is selected, the timesheet will be generated for the entire pay period. 
|All PP Weekly TS (BW)| Optional, Yes or No\\This parameter will generate timesheets for the entire pay period that begins with the date selected in the PP or WK Start/End parameters. If Yes is selected in the Weekly parameter and Yes is selected for this parameter the timesheets will be generated on a weekly basis for the entire pay period. For example, in a biweekly period two timesheets will be generated (one for each week). If No or null is selected in the Weekly parameter and Yes is selected in this parameter one timesheet will be generated for the entire pay period.
|Weekly (SM/MO)| Optional, Yes or No\\This parameter provides an ability to generate weekly timesheet by first week day for the semi-monthly or monthly payroll
|Fiscal Split| Optional, Yes or No\\The timesheets may be generated to split by the fiscal period.
|Exception Level| Mandatory, Date, LOV available\\User should run with 'Exception only' except for debugging
|User Comment| Optional, Text\\This field holds the user-supplied comment which will appear in the header of all pages of the report

||Report Filters||
|People List| Optional, Multiple selection and LOV available\\This is a list containing the names of employees to be included in the report.
|Person| Optional, Multiple selection and LOV available\\This is a comma-delimited list of person codes. This field should not be used if the People List field is used.
|Work Rule|Optional, Multiple selection and LOV available\\ This reduces the list of people to those employees with the selected work rule. 
|Entity| Optional, Multiple selection and LOV available\\This reduces list of people to those employees within the entities listed.
|Department| Optional, Multiple selection and LOV available\\This reduces list of people to those employees within Departments listed.
|Org Level| Optional, Multiple selection and LOV available\\This reduces list of people to those employees within org. levels listed.
|Authorization| Optional, Multiple selection and LOV available\\This reduces list of people to those employees within auth areas listed.
|Location| Optional, Multiple selection and LOV available\\This reduces list of people to those employees within locations listed.
|Unit |Optional, Multiple selection and LOV available\\This reduces list of people to those employees within units listed.
|Group| Optional, Multiple selection and LOV available\\This reduces list of people to those employees within groups listed.
|Status| Optional, Multiple selection and LOV available\\This field allows you to select the employment status that you want to process for.

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