The UEEF provides the capability to generate an interface file from the employee basic information such as Personals, Employments, prime Assignments, Entities, Locations, Jobs, Positions, Departments, Units, Groups etc and additional information for Benefit plans with Contacts information.

!!Required Set Up

!Step 1 - Define Lexicons in [IMLN]
The following list of lexicons are provided and are used by the UEEF Employee Generic Interface.

Step 2 - Define Interface Format in [IDIF]
Fixed File Format
The following set up instructions for a Fixed File format using the interface [HL$BE-ELIGTOTAL]

The interface does not need to be manually entered in IDIF it is loaded through seed data during an install or upgrade.

You should use (Copy Definition) to copy into a different Interface code and then enter your own company data.

XML File Format
The following instructions are for building an XML format for the UEEF using the format [HL$BE-ELIG-XML.]

!Defining UserCalcs
The file format for the UEEF can be defined to call a UserCalc function at each Record Number, each Field Number.

The Variable Name must equal 'UserCalc' and the UserCalc name must be specified in the Constant Value field.

The Field Type must be defined with Char, Number or Date, the UserCalc function on IMUC screen Return Value must match the values (Char, Number or Date) with the IMUC RET command to return the corresponding Char, Number or Date.

The data base tables available for UserCalc are:
*at company level: DEN / DLN / DDP / DDD / DUN / DGR / DGD / DGV
*at employee level: EID / EPS / EEM / EAS / EASD / PPRU / PPRC / ECT
*for BE only: BPT / BPN / BCG / BCGD / BCGD / BCGR / BEND / BBR / ECT