!!!Operator An operator denotes an action that is to be taken on the operands indicated. There are several different categories of operators: !Arithmetic Operators * Add * Subtract * Multiply * Divide * Percent * Modulus * Minimum * Maximum !Rounding Operators * Round to the Nearest * Round Down * Round Up * Truncate !Conversion Operators * Convert to a Date * Convert to a Character * Convert to a Number * Convert Wage to the Basis Indicated * Date Operators * Day Portion of Date * Month Portion of Date * Year Portion of Date * Days Between Dates * Months Between Dates * Years Between Dates !Relative Date Operators * Beginning of Day * Beginning of Week * End of Week * Beginning of Month * End of Month * Beginning of Year * End of Year !Comparison Operators * Equal to * Not Equal to * Greater Than * Greater Than or Equal to * Not Greater Than * Less Than * Less Than or Equal To * Not Less Than * In List * Not in List * In Between * Not in Between * Like