Users need to declare the type of the Operand string being entered. These types consist of Variables, Constants, Database Items, Elements, and Pay Components.

For example, the string “BIWEEKLY” could represent a Processing Frequency, a database item such as a Group Code or even another User Calc.

Operand Types declare what value the operand will have, and how to process it within the User Calc.

Variable Operand Types#

Variable Operand Types commonly begin with a $ sign, this denotes a variable that holds its value beyond the life of the current User Calc. The only exception to this is the ‘V’ sign that begins a Local Variable that is only available for reference during the life of the User Calc.

The Variable Operand Types available are:

Constant Operand Types#

Constant Operand Types may be Alphanumeric, Boolean, Date, or Numeric.

Database Operand Types#

Database Operand Types are Database fields, Wage Basis, User Calc Calculation types, and User Calc Function/Qualification types.

User Calc Element Operand Types#

Elements are a group of pay components that, for convenience in calculations, are added together and named, and may be referenced by Calculations, and in some instances, Functions and Qualifiers. The Payroll application makes great use of elements, and they are also used in other applications such as Attendance, Benefits. (The use of elements in those applications will be discussed in detail during the sessions for those applications.)

There are seven element values available:

  • Current
  • Fiscal-to-date
  • Month-to-date
  • Period-to-date
  • Quarter-to-date
  • Transaction-to-date
  • Year-to-date
  • To Calendar Date

Element Operand Types:

Pay Component Operand Types#

There are eight pay components values available
  • Current
  • Fiscal
  • Month-to-Date
  • Period-to-Date
  • Quarter-to-Date
  • Transaction-to-Date
  • Year-to-Date
  • Statistical

Pay Component Operand Types:

Statistic Operand Types#

Statistics are similar to pay components; they hold payroll amounts by employee. However, statistics allow different capabilities. Statistics are used to hold information for each employee that is not easily accessed with pay components.

For example, the YTD or MTD value of the Gross Earnings pay component may be referenced, but if there is a need to know the YTD value of Gross Earnings from last year or two years previous, that value is not readily available. A statistic may be used to hold that value until needed.

It is important to note that while statistical values may be read and used by User Calcs, they may not be modified as they are Database items. (Database items may not be updated by User Calcs).

If the value of a statistic is to be modified with a User Calc, you must update the current value of the pay component that is linked to the statistic. Pay components are linked to statistics on the IPPC form by choosing PC Usage 14-Statistic and by indicating the statistic in the Statistic field.

Then, when the UserCalc refers to the current value of the linked PC and the pay is closed, the statistic will be updated.

The Statistical operand type:

Workflow Operand Types #

Notes #

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