!!!UPDATE BENEFIT REMITTANCES In order to run the remittance reports the Remittance Update must be run to collect all of the benefit line information and send it to the remittance history tables. \\ \\ __The Update Benefit Remittance process uses the 'Last Remit Date' on the plan to ensure that it is not rerunning for a period already processed and to ensure that no periods have been skipped. During testing ensure that the 'Last Remit Date' is for the period before the one selected in the report parameter.__ \\ \\ ||Report Parameters|| |__Calendar__|__Mandatory, LOV available__\\Determine which business calendar is to be used. |__Calendar Period__|__Mandatory, LOV available__\\Determines the period within the calendar specified for which the benefit lines are to be processed. |__Trial__|__Mandatory, LOV available, defaults as <No>__\\If ‘No’ then the Update is committed. If ‘Yes’ then the Update is not committed and the process may be run again. |__Exception Level__|__Mandatory, LOV available, defaults as <Exceptions Only>__\\The level of logging desired. \\ \\ ||Report Filters|| |__Entity__|__Mandatory, LOV available__\\Limits the process to the entity specified. |__Plan Type__|__Mandatory, Multiple selection, and LOV available__\\The benefit plan types to be processed for the employees selected. |__Plan__|__Mandatory, Multiple selection, and LOV available__\\The benefit plan to be processed for the employees selected.