The UBRETRO facility was designed to calculate retro on benefit deductions when an employee receives a pay increase. ;[Retro_Benefit_Calculations_Based_On_Earnings] When an employee receives a retroactive pay increase, their benefit deductions may need to be recalculated to include the retro earnings. The standard retroactive pay program [UPRETRO] will calculate the difference between the old and new wage rates and insert a pay line into the current period's pay header for each pay line that was evaluated. !Set Up Requirements ;[Pay_Components]: The program will only process for pay components attached to benefit plans that have a 'Retro' pay component attached to the 'Retro Pay' tab on [IPPC]. It is important to update the appropriate element if new 'retro' pay components are created ;[User_Calculation]: In order to ensure that retro wages are used in the benefit calculation and are picked up in the correct period a UserCalc (as shown below) is required to capture the retro earnings. This usercalc would be associated to the benefit plan [IBPN] as B0320 ||LINE||CMD ||TYPE 1||OPERAND 1 ||OPER||TYPE 2||OPERAND 2 ||TYPE 3||OPERAND 3||IF GO TO||ELSE GO TO||NOTES || | 100 | LET | V | Base Earnings | EQ | EC | PT_STD_EARN | | | 110 | | The purpose of this usercalc is to capture the